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Teen Girls Beaten, Stomped By High School Mob [Video]


Two Teens beated by mob in Astoria Park, NY

Astoria Park, Queens –Two eighth graders were viciously attacked by a mob of mostly female high school students in a melee that was captured on cell phone video.

One of the New York City teens was coming to the aid of her friend who had been bullied and jumped apparently by the same group the day before and was warned that more was coming. No one else stepped forward to help; bystanders just stood around and watched or filmed the brawl with their smartphones.

Samantha Gonzalez, 14, described what happened when she tried to defend her classmate and friend: “About seven to 10 girls just started grabbing me and held my hands and just started kicking me in the face. They threw cones at me. They hit us with belt buckles, with Timberlands, umbrellas, guys kicking us — like guys, really?” Gonzalez, who suffered a broken nose and was left with two black eyes, added that she was understandably afraid that she might be beaten to death by the mob. The other girl received eight stitches in a local hospital and was bloodied and bruised in the attack. They were set upon by as many as 30 high school students in the fight.

Police investigators apparently have concluded that the attackers are from Long Island City High School. Detectives are interviewing witnesses and evidently identified at least one suspect, but have yet to make any arrests.

New York City Council member Peter Vallone, who represents the Astoria area, reacted to the vicious beating which he found out about when a Facebook friend forwarded the video: “This is a gang of older high school girls brutally beating one or two junior high school girls. We can actually see one girl being held down and having her face stepped on. This is not something you see in Astoria.”

[Astoria Blvd. Library image credit: Jim.henderson]

Teen Girls Beaten, Stomped By High School Mob [Video] is a post from: The Inquisitr

Boston ‘Cowering Liberals’ Tweet From Arkansas Rep Sparks Outrage, Apologies


Boston Cowering Liberals Tweet From Arkansas Rep Draws Outrage

The Boston “cowering liberals” tweet from Arkansas State Representative Nate Bell, a Republican, has sparked outrage and apologies from House Speaker Davy Carter, also a Republican.

The tweet was made at 8:25 am, and stated the following: “I wonder how many Boston liberals spent the night cowering in their homes wishing they had an AR-15 with a hi-capacity magazine?”

Carter released a statement, reported by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, apologizing for the remarks.

“On behalf of the Arkansas House of Representatives and the state of Arkansas, I want to extend my deepest apologies to the people of the City of Boston and the state of Massachusetts for the inappropriate and insensitive comment made this morning by an Arkansas House member.”

Carter continued: “I can assure the people of Boston and the people of Massachusetts that Arkansans have them in their thoughts and prayers during this tragic time.”

The newspaper noted that the message had been re-tweeted 900 times by noon.

At the time of this posting, Bell had responded via Facebook with the following message:

“I would like to apologize to the people of Boston & Massachusetts for the poor timing of my tweet earlier this morning. As a staunch and unwavering supporter of the individual right to self defense, I expressed my point of view without thinking of its effect on those still in time of crisis.”

Bell continued: “In hindsight, given the ongoing tragedy that is still unfolding, I regret the poor choice of timing. Please know that my thoughts and prayers were with the people of Boston overnight and will continue as they recover from this tragedy.”

The Boston “cowering liberals” response has been understandably hostile:

“Go f*** yourself, buddy! Come visit us in Boston and we’ll kick your ass for ya!” said Facebook commenter Malik Haddadi.

Martin Burns added: “Hey, Nate – how ’bout you come up to Boston, and say that to our faces? Bear in mind: we gave birth to America, and we didn’t do it by cowering. We fight when it matters — deeds, not words.”

And Juliet Bowler: “In the past few days, I have seen friends running *towards* danger, amazing heroics the likes of which someone like you could not possibly fathom. People refusing to live in fear, loving and supporting their hometown, refusing to give in to the fear that people like this attempt to force on us – terrorize us. Funny how an ELECTED official of the United States of America, too stupid, jingoistic and brain-washed by this false attack on the Second Amendment – something that is decidedly NOT occurring – actually used this moment in time when a city comes together to find the people who attacked us and rejects the fear those people tried to perpetrate, you picked that moment to slander, insult and yes, terrorize us, too. You sir, are a coward, an embarrassment and a large part of the problem. Congratulations using this moment for political gain. You, sir, are anathema to what it means to be a proud American.”

We’re not sure what “political gain” Bowler might be referring to as Bell’s party has outright rejected the remark and the outraged Facebook comments have already scaled into the thousands.

As for the Boston “cowering liberals” remark, here’s just one example of the “cowering” that the city is doing:

At 1:54 pm, Bell had not removed the original tweet.

(Apparently, no one has shown him the delete button Twitter provides. Of course, by now the screenshots are out there, so there’s little point.)

For more positive takes than the Boston “cowering liberals” comment, here’s how the world has responded as well as our own Tayla Holman’s first-person account.

Do you think Rep. Nate Bell should resign for his Boston “cowering liberals” comment?

Boston ‘Cowering Liberals’ Tweet From Arkansas Rep Sparks Outrage, Apologies is a post from: The Inquisitr

Rolf Harris Arrested: Australian Entertainer Busted For Allegations Of Sexual Abuse


rolf-harris-arrested-sexual abuse operation yewtree

Rolf Harris, a veteran entertainer known for his music, art and as a presenter of TV shows about animals, was reportedly arrested as part of a police investigation into sexual abuse allegations stemming from the Jimmy Savile scandal, British media reported Friday.

According to BBC, Harris was arrested March 28 as part of Operation Yewtree, an investigation launched after revelations that Savile targeted hundreds of young victims over five decades.

Though Harris was allegedly first questioned by authorities in November, he was not named at the time or following his recent arrest.

Once news of his incarceration went public, however, family and friends of the Australian-born entertainer rallied round to support him with many arriving at his home in Bray, Berkshire throughout the morning.

With his arrest, Harris became the 11th man to be detained by the investigation.

He is described by police as Yewtree 5 and currently remains free on bail while police continue to investigate the claims.

Others arrested in the operation include comedian Freddie Starr, pop star Gary Glitter, and publicist Max Clifford.

Originally from Perth, in Western Australia, Harris rose to fame as a broadcaster, painter and singing star.

In addition to producing multiple musical hits, including “Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport” — which he once performed with The Beatles — and “Two Little Boys,” Harris has hosted television shows, painted an official portrait of the queen for her 80th birthday in 2006, and performed at the monarch’s Diamond Jubilee concert last year.

To this day, Harris remains a hugely popular entertainer in Europe with more than one million viewers tuning in on Wednesday night to watch Rolf’s Animal Clinic on UK’s Channel 5.

Here is a clip from Rolf’s Animal Clinic:

Rolf Harris Arrested: Australian Entertainer Busted For Allegations Of Sexual Abuse is a post from: The Inquisitr

West, Texas Explosion: Officials Recover 12 Bodies After Blast


West, Texas Explosion: Officials Recover 12 Bodies

Officials have recovered 12 bodies after an explosion at a fertilizer plant rocked the small town of West, Texas, earlier this week.

The blast took place on Wednesday, ripping through the central Texas town and injuring scores of people. There are still 60 people unaccounted for, said Senator John Cornyn of Texas, adding that authorities are checking hospitals to see if any of the missing are there.

In total, more than 200 people were hurt and 50 homes destroyed from the West, Texas, explosion. It forced mass evacuations from the town of close to 2,000 people, including 133 residents of a nearby nursing home.

There were five West firefighters, one Dallas firefighter, and four emergency responders killed in the blast, the State Firemen’s and Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas  noted.

There are still few answers about what caused the earth-shaking blast, like what caused the explosion and whether it was the result of criminal activity.

Authorities also say they are unsure of the total number of people killed in the blast, but estimates have reached as high as 60 in the days after the explosion. In a news conference late Wednesday night, D.L. Wilson of Texas Department of Public Safety noted that that there were more than 100 people injured in the fertilizer plant at the time of the explosion. He said the total killed would be “a number,” Texas slang for high.

“We still are holding out some hope,” said mayor Tommy Muska, who also lost his home in the blast.

Recovery after the West, Texas, explosion is still difficult, as authorities said the area is still “very volatile.” The wreckage is contaminated with ammonium nitrate, a solid fertilizer used to make explosives.

Waco police Sargeant W. Patrick Swanton noted that the recovery effort after the West, Texas, blast was a “hard, gut-wrenching job.” Many people in the small town known each other, making the recovery especially sensitive and painful for firefighters involved.

West, Texas Explosion: Officials Recover 12 Bodies After Blast is a post from: The Inquisitr

World’s Oldest Man Celebrates 116th Birthday [Video]


oldest man

The World’s oldest man got a little bit older today. Jiroemon Kimura celebrated his 116th birthday with friends and family today in Kyotango, Japan.

Kimura became the world’s oldest living person back in December and has been adding to his record ever since. Today, April 19, 2013, he turned 116 years young.

According to the Huffington Post, Kimura received a video message from Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for his birthday as well as a visit from the mayor of Kyotango.

Kimura has five kids, 14 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren and 13 great-great grandchildren. According to the BBC, he is one of only 12 people born before 1900 who is still alive.

So what’s Kimura’s secret to longevity? According to his Facebook page, the world’s oldest man “wakes up early in the morning and reads newspapers with a magnifying glass. Also, he enjoys talking to guests and follows live parliamentary debates on television. According to him, small portions of food are the key to a long and healthy life.”

Kimura, who currently lives at home with one of his great-grandchildren, reportedly eats three meals a day of rice, pumpkin and sweet potatoes.

Jiroemon Kimura is currently the oldest person in the world but he has a long way to go if he wants to become the oldest person to ever live. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, that honor goes to Jeanne Louise Calment of France. Calment, who passed away in 1997, lived to be 122 years and 164 days old.

The world’s oldest woman is currently Misao Okawa, of Japan, who is 115 years old.

Here’s a video from Kimura’s 115th birthday.

World’s Oldest Man Celebrates 116th Birthday [Video] is a post from: The Inquisitr

94,000 Verizon Wireless Customers Want Contracts Dropped


Verizon Wireless No Contracts

Verizon Wireless customers took to the internet this week to demand that the company do away with required two-year cellular plan contracts.

Last week T-Mobile announced its “Uncarrier” service which eliminated two-year contracts from the wireless carrier all together.

Following T-Mobile’s Uncarrier plans more than 94,000 Verizon Wireless customers signed a petition on Change.org which asks Verizon to drop contracts and focus on a system similar to the T-Mobile platform.

Creators of the contract are hoping to push the number of signatures above 100,000 and ultimately to 150,000 John Hancock’s.

Cellular contracts are a very lucrative part of the Verizon Wireless platform. While the company will often lose hundreds of dollars by discounting Apple, Android and Windows Phone devices, they earn that money back and thousands of dollars more based on a standard two-year contract.

In comparison T-Mobile sells devices with an attached monthly fee. For example, the iPhone 5 is $99 upfront and $20 per month for 24 months. T-Mobile waves the fee when customers jump over from another carrier or trade in their old smartphones.

Verizon CEO Lowell McAdams said earlier in the month that Verizon Wireless would consider following in T-Mobile’s footsteps if enough customers wanted the change.

Verizon Wireless would not likely do away with contracts all together. Under T-Mobile USA’s current system customers pay a monthly fee for use of an unlocked smartphone and then must pay the phone off in full if they leave the service before their two year period has expired.

Advocates for the no-contract plans argue that it allows for more flexibility since wireless users can simply pay off their smartphone and then jump to a competitor if they are not happy with their cellular providers service.

Verizon Wireless has not chimed in on the petition at this time. We are still not sure what McAdam’s believes constitutes a large amount of support among customers.

94,000 Verizon Wireless Customers Want Contracts Dropped is a post from: The Inquisitr

La Toya Jackson: ‘Lay Off Donald Trump, He Has A Good Heart’


La Toya Jackson on Donald Trump

La Toya Jackson thinks people should cut Donald Trump a break. Though the business mogul has a reputation as a rude and abrasive character, La Toya says that beneath it all, he’s a really nice guy.

La Toya has been a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice thrice, and thrice has been fired by Donald Trump personally. Still, there are no hard feelings on La Toya’s part, and she has nothing but glowing reviews for the eccentric Trump.

Though in public, Trump is very outspoken and controversial, La Toya says that he’s a very different guy privately. He’s even “sweet” and “kind,” if you can imagine it.

She tells The Hollywood Reporter:

“Donald is a very nice man. He’s very sweet. He’s very kind. I know there are people out there who think he’s prejudiced. Donald is not prejudiced whatsoever. His heart is good. He will put out a fire in two seconds. He speaks what’s really on his mind, what he’s thinking at the moment.”

La Toya has been making media rounds lately to promote her new show Life with La Toya, which airs Saturdays on OWN. Most public interest in her lately has mostly focused on her love life, particularly her seven-year marriage to manager Jack Gordon.

She admitted to being abused during her marriage to Gordon, and that even after they split, she still felt haunted by him.

“I never felt really free until, of course, he passed away [from cancer],” she said.

La Toya also said that she turned down Prince once upon a time.

“Prince did like me, yes, but I didn’t date him. We’ve gone roller skating, but not just with me – I think (friend) Kathy Hilton was there, my brother Michael was there, my sister (Janet) was there. So it was like a group.”

Are you a fan of La Toya Jackson? Do you think that Donald Trump may have a good heart underneath his harsh exterior?

[Image via: McCarthy's PhotoWorks / Shutterstock.com]

La Toya Jackson: ‘Lay Off Donald Trump, He Has A Good Heart’ is a post from: The Inquisitr

Teen Moms More Likely To Become Obese


teen moms more obese

Teen moms experience many economic and educational disadvantages as a result of giving birth so young, but at least their bodies snap back. Right? Actually, that’s wrong, says a new study from the University of Michigan which found a clear link between giving birth as a teen and becoming obese later in life.

Lead author Dr. Tammy Chang and her colleagues published their results earlier this week in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. It was based on data collected over the years 2001-2010 for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), which has attempted to gather data on a broad cross section of the nation.

“For the first time, we’ve identified our youngest moms as a high risk group for obesity, which we know to be one of the most debilitating, long-term health issues we face,” said Dr. Chang.

Their analysis showed that women who had their first child between the age of 13 and 19 had a 32 percent higher risk of obesity than a woman who had her first baby at age 20 or older. They also discovered that teen moms were less likely to be at a normal health weight before they got pregnant than the older mothers were.

And it isn’t only the mother’s health that might be at risk from a teen pregnancy. Babies born to teen moms are more likely to be underweight at birth.

However, it wouldn’t be fair to link America’s obesity epidemic with teen pregnancy. The National Center for Health Statistics published a study in February which showed that the teenage birth rate is at an all-time low after falling eight percent in only one year from 2010 to 2011.

As The Inquisitr reported earlier, that means that teen birth rates are down 25 percent since 2007 and a mind-boggling 49 percent since 1991.

Teen moms may indeed have a higher risk of becoming obese in later life, but there are fewer teen moms to run the risk.

[photo by Isantilli via Shutterstock]

Teen Moms More Likely To Become Obese is a post from: The Inquisitr

Kidnapped French Family Released In Cameroon


Kidnapped French Family Cameroon

A kidnapped French family has been released in Cameroon, according to the country’s Communications Minister Issa Tchiroma Bakary.

The Moulin-Fournier family, seven members in all, were freed in good condition, despite the fact that no ransom fee had been paid. The family arrived at the French embassy under heavy guard.

The French family is believed to have been kidnapped by the Nigerian group Boko Haram. The group published a video on YouTube claiming to be holding them. The family live in Yaounde, where the father, Tanguy Moulin-Fournier, worked for Suez, a French gas group.

They were returning from holiday on February 19 in the Waza National Park in North Cameroon when they were kidnapped by gunmen on motorbikes. The man, along with his wife Albane and four children, were kidnapped, along with Tanguy’s brother Cyril.

In the YouTube video, released about one week after they kidnapped the French family, the group cited France’s presence in Mali as a reason for the kidnapping. The French-led operation in Mali has successfully ousted several Islamist groups, including al Qaeda’s North African branch.

Boko Haram started its insurgency campaign in 2009 and previously said it would not be involved in hostage taking. The group is knwon for enacting several bombings on Christian churches in northern and central Nigeria. France’s President Francois Hollande did not give any details about how the French family was released, though he assured France did not pay a ransom to the kidnappers.

Boko Haram usually follows an agenda in Nigeria and seeks an Islamic state. More than 2,000 people have been killed by the group since their campaign began. Another Islamist group operating in Nigeria, Ansaru, is usually involved in abducting foreigners. Hollande added that talks took place for the past few weeks to help secure the family’s release.

Is is not clear when the kidnapped French family will be able to return home.

Kidnapped French Family Released In Cameroon is a post from: The Inquisitr

Veronica Belmont Naked

Tamerlan Tsarnaev Morgue Photo Circulates Online Hours After Bombing Suspect’s Death


Tamerlan Tsarnaev Morgue Photo Circulates Online Hours After Bombing Suspect's Death

A Tamerlan Tsarnaev morgue photo claiming to show the slain Boston bombing suspect is making its rounds on the internet just hours after the suspect was killed in a gun battle with police.

The photo shows a young man, his face bruised and mouth open, laying on a medical slab. The origin of the photo is unknown, but after being published on Friday it quickly made its way around law enforcement circles in Boston.

Written above the Tamerlan Tsarnaev morgue photo are the words “Suspect 1,” a nod to his reported role in Monday’s bombing.

The 26-year-old Tamerlan and his 19-year-old brother Dzhokhar are accused of planting bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday. The explosives were fashioned using pressure cookers and packed with metal shrapnel. When they exploded nearly simultaneously, the bombs ripped through the crowd, tearing off limbs and shattering glass.

Three people were killed in the explosion and close to 180 injured.

Police zeroed in on the suspects on Thursday night after they reportedly robbed a convenience store and hijacked a car. A rolling gun battle took place, with the suspects reportedly setting off explosives. Two police officers were shot during the night, one fatally.

At close to 1 am police apprehended Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was taken to a hospital but died of the wounds suffered in the fight with police.

With emotions still raw, viewing the Tamerlan Tsarnaev death photo was cathartic for many officers, a law enforcement official told Boston.com. The photo was also seen as also motivation for police as they continued the search for Dzhokhar, who was still on the loose.

“Mission accomplished,” the officer said. “We’re halfway there. Justice is served.”

At the same time, a photo claiming to be of Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the morgue fitting the description of the one described by Boston.com made its way to several websites. On image-sharing site Reddit, several users shared the alleged Tamerlan Tsarnaev death photo, but the posts were quickly removed.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev Morgue Photo Circulates Online Hours After Bombing Suspect’s Death is a post from: The Inquisitr

The News This Week

Successfully Raising A Toddler

Trading In Video Games For Credit

Rob Portman’s Approval Ratings Dip Following Gay Marriage Endorsement


Rob Portman gay marriage

Ohio Senator Rob Portman’s approval rating has slipped slightly since endorsing gay marriage last month, but only among Republican voters. Given the country’s broad shift towards supporting same-sex marriage, the senator’s change of heart still may ultimately help him in the long run.

A Quinnipiac University poll released today shows that Portman’s approval rating slipped from 44 percent in February to 40 percent today. During the same time period, his disapproval rating rose from 24 percent to 31 percent. 40 percent of Republicans now say they think less favorably of Portman because of his gay marriage endorsement.

20 percent of Ohioans now view the senator more favorably, while 25 percent view him less favorably. 53% don’t care one way or another. A politician is a politician, after all.

Rob Portman announced support for same-sex marriage last month due to the fact that his son, Will Portman, is gay. He had come out to his family two years ago. Rob Portman joins former Vice President Dick Cheney as a Republican who feels compelled to support same-sex marriage due to the sexual orientation of their children. Cheney’s youngest daughter, Mary Cheney, is openly lesbian and recently married her long-time partner last summer.

Though a majority of Ohioans support same-sex marriage, it is a narrow lead of just 48 to 44 percent. This mirrors the national trend, where for the first time in American history, a narrow majority of Americans now support the legalization of gay marriage.

Rob Portman’s gay marriage endorsement is less controversial with Ohioans than his vote against background checks Wednesday. The vast majority of Ohioans support universal background checks for gun purchasers, a whopping 84 percent. Granted, this is less than the 90 percent of Americans the president regularly cites as supporting background checks nationwide.

Gay marriage, quite frankly, is not the divisive issue it was just four years ago. While then it was still considered politically non-viable for a national candidate to openly support same-sex marriage, now nearly all Democrats in the Senate have announced their support, including the vast majority of Democrats in conservative states. The times, they are a changing, and Rob Portman’s gay marriage endorsement isn’t that much of a game changer anymore.

Rob Portman’s Approval Ratings Dip Following Gay Marriage Endorsement is a post from: The Inquisitr

PSG Wants David Beckham To Stay Another Season


Beckham has appeared in seven matches for PSG this season.

According to Sky Sports, Paris Saint-Germain owner Nasser al-Khelaifi has asked David Beckham to stay for another season. The superstar is only signed through the end of  this season, but he hasn’t ruled out the idea of returning to PSG next year.

Beckham has appeared in seven matches for PSG this season, including a 1-1 draw against Barcelona in the Champions League on April 10. Barcelona advanced on away goals after playing to a 2-2 draw in the first leg of the quarterfinal match-up.

Beckham has enjoyed his time in Paris and will play out the rest of the season before deciding on his future with PSG.

“I am enjoying this season so far and will enjoy it until the end of the season,” Beckham told Sky Sports in an exclusive interview. “Hopefully we will be successful and then I will make a decision on what I do.”

PSG’s newest midfielder hasn’t forgotten how old he’s getting but that’s not stopping him from having fun.

“But to be honest I am 38 in May and you get a reminder of your age every now and then, but I am still enjoying playing,” Beckham added. “I love playing and until that goes away I hope I can continue.”

Keeping Beckham around could only add a boost to the team’s morale as multiple players have expressed that they would love Beckham to stay. Striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic said that he wants Beckham to come back next season and made it known that everyone at PSG wants him to return.

The decision will be a tough one to make as Beckham’s move to Paris has kept him away from his family though he insists that he’s enjoying himself. He signed a five-month contract with PSG in January and has connected with his new teammates quickly as they inch closer to the Ligue 1 title.

PSG currently holds a nine-point lead over rival Marseille in the standings with a mere six matches left. OGC Nice will travel to Paris and face PSG in their next match on Sunday.

Beckham should suit up for the match as he has a lot of decisions to make in his near future. The next six fixtures for PSG may have a lot to do with his choice to return to the club or not.

Should David Beckham return to PSG next season or retire for good after an illustrious career?

[Image via Paul Blank]

PSG Wants David Beckham To Stay Another Season is a post from: The Inquisitr

Edward Norton Married: Actor Secretly Wed Before Birth of Son [Report]


edward-norton-married-shauna robertson report

Edward Norton is apparently a man of many secrets.

Just days after it was revealed the Fight Club star welcomed a baby boy with his fiancée Shauna Robertson, sources now say the proud parents were already married.

As reported Wednesday by The Inquisitr, Robertson, a 38-year-old Canadian film producer, gave birth to son — Norton’s first child — sometime in March.

According to Us Weekly, however,the couple, who quietly got engaged in 2011 after dating for six years, secretly tied the knot sometime before their baby’s arrival.

While details on the nuptials were unknown, US is reporting Norton and Robertson wed sometime in 2012.

Neither has come forward to confirm the reports.

Norton, who previously dated Salma Hayek and Courtney Love, has always been particularly secretive about his personal life.

He has not spoken publicly about the pregnancy, which was first brought to light in March.

In addition to his new role as a father, Norton has his hands full with a couple of upcoming films, the latest of which is titled Birdman, a comedy co-starring Emma Stone, Zach Galifianakis, Michael Keaton and Naomi Watts.

The film is scheduled for release in 2014.

Outside of his acting duties, Edward is a also a well known philanthropist. In 2009 he and his wife co-founded the fundraising site CrowdRise, which uses crowd-sourcing and incentives to get people to raise money for various charitable causes.

Following the Boston Marathon bombings, Norton took to Twitter to encourage fans to donate to the charitable causes that so many runners were dedicated to.

Edward Norton Married: Actor Secretly Wed Before Birth of Son [Report] is a post from: The Inquisitr

Social Media Breakups

Brandi Glanville Wants Bond Girl To Play Her In LeAnn Rimes’ TV Series


Denise Richards to play Brandi Glanville?

Could Denise Richards play Brandi Glanville in a new TV series?

We reported a few days ago that LeAnn Rimes and poached husband Eddie Cibrian are pitching a TV series about their married life together to various networks, as if we don’t already know an uncomfortable amount about their lives to begin with.

The show would reportedly be a scripted, yet biographical program (a la Curb Your Enthusiasm) with Rimes and Cibrian playing themselves, and other roles being filled by actors. This means a juicy role for anyone brave enough to play Cibrian’s jilted ex-wife Brandi Glanville.

Instead of being understandably furious over the show, Glanville is actually pitching her own suggestions for the program’s casting. The reality TV star admitted she would like to see Charlie Sheen ex and former Bond girl Denise Richards take on her role in the potential series.

“I’d want Denise Richards to play me. She’s been through similar situations … and she’s hot!” Glanville tells InTouch Magazine.

There are some overlaps there. Richards went through a very bitter and public divorce/custody battle with ex-husband Charlie Sheen, with the two ultimately deciding to put aside their differences and co-parent their two daughters.

To her credit, Glanville says that she’s not going to interfere with the planned TV series, even though it’s a pretty blatant attempt to cash in on the drama and human suffering of all the parties concerned (the show is even billed as a “comedy,” if you can believe it).

But Glanville thinks that since she’s had the soapbox of Real Housewives to air her grievances against the couple, it’s only fair that they get their angle out there, as well.

“I have gotten to be on Real Housewives because of my entire situation, and now so many doors have opened for me. I am really happy where I am and wish everyone the best with everything.”

What do you think? Would Denise Richards be a good Brandi Glanville? Who do you think should play the jilted Real Housewives star?

[Images via: © Glenn Francis, www.PacificProDigital.coms_bukley / Shutterstock.com]

Brandi Glanville Wants Bond Girl To Play Her In LeAnn Rimes’ TV Series is a post from: The Inquisitr

Mother And Two Children Found Living In Self-Storage Unit


Children Living In Self-Storage Unit

A mother and her two children were found living in a self-storage unit in Trenton, New Jersey. The 27-year-old woman and her 5 and 10-year-old sons were apparently using the tiny storage locker as their home.

Trenton police initially arrested Sheena Johnson for criminal mischief associated with slashing her boyfriend’s tires. While in custody, Johnson reportedly confessed that her two sons were alone inside an Extra Space Storage unit.

As reported by NJ.com, Trenton Officer Robert Arnwine went to the storage facility to find the children. Extra Space Storage employees initially denied his request for access, but cooperated when he told them about the children.

Both boys were found locked inside a small storage unit that Officer Arnwine described as “just filthy.”

The storage units are only meant to store furnishings and personal belongings. They do not have electricity, heat, plumbing, or running water. The mother and her children were reportedly living in a unit that was 5×10 feet, and completely filled with belongings.

Both children were taken to the Capital Health Regional Center for evaluation. As reported by Trentonian.com, the children were found to be “a little dirty, but not injured.” They have both been released into the custody of the Department of Youth and Family Services.

Their mother has been charged with two counts of second-degree child endangerment by the Ewing police. She is currently incarcerated.

The Trentonian reports that the storage facility previously had problems with people living in the storage units, but it is not tolerated.

Ewing Mayor Bert Steinmann contacted other local self-storage facilities to alert them to the possibility of people using the units for housing.

Steinmann states that he is thankful that the children were found unharmed. He suggests that the mother and two children, found living in the self-storage unit, should have asked for help. Mayor Steinmann specifically mentioned the County Board of Social Services and two organizations called “Women’s Space,” and “Homefront,” that provide financial assistance or housing to local families in need.

*Slideshow of the actual storage unit

Mother And Two Children Found Living In Self-Storage Unit is a post from: The Inquisitr

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