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‘Dragon Age: Inquisition’ Patch 5 Details Revealed


Dragon Age: Inquisition Screenshot

Bioware have released the details of their upcoming Patch 5 for Dragon Age: Inquisition, which will address many of the issues that have been plaguing many players since the game was released last November, according to several reports, as well as a blog post on the Bioware website.

However, it seems that this patch was focused more on the console versions of Dragon Age: Inquisition more than the PC version, as in the update, Bioware have said that there are a few bugs for the PC version that have only been slightly fixed. Bioware has also said that this will be fixed in a future patch, although they didn’t confirm when that patch would be released. You can see a list of all the features that will be fixed in Dragon Age: Inquisition below.

“PC Specific: While we’ve added the ability to toggle mouse look, this feature is still under development and does not act optimally under all conditions. We are continuing to work on this feature to improve it for future releases.”

Bioware has also noted that Dragon Age: Inquisition‘s upcoming DLC Black Emporium, which has just exited its Beta phase, will not be a part of Patch 5.

“Please note that the Black Emporium is not part of the patch 5 release. Thanks to the excellent feedback we received from the people in our beta program, we are continuing to work on this feature.”

Bioware developer Mark Darrah, who is an executive producer on the Dragon Age series, recently said that DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition was not a top priority, and the Dragon Age team was instead focusing on fixing the many bugs that have been rife across the game, which may be the reason for the delay on Black Emporium.

A full list of updates is:

  • Fixed the walk toggle to be framerate independent.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed characters to take damage while using the Counterstrike ability.
  • Updated abilities to function correctly with front armor rating.
  • Fixed the Charging Bull ability so that AI-controlled characters no longer overshoot their target.
  • Removed the initial barrier that spellbinders receive when spawned.
  • Added an option to control the font size of subtitles.
  • Improved archer AI so that they choose to enter melee combat less often.
  • Fixed the save game card image for elf mages.
  • Removed the connection between mesh quality and shader quality and added a Shader
  • Quality setting to the Graphics options.
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain operations to disappear from the war table without direct player interaction.
  • Fixed a crash after use of a Tactician’s Renewal amulet in Skyhold.
  • Fixed a conversation where Leliana references being with the Warden to face the Archdemon when she was set to have died in the imported Dragon Age Keep world state.
  • Fixed a case where movement audio was muted after a level transition.
  • Fixed a case where music unintentionally played after a level transition.
  • Fixed a loot exploit.
  • Fixed a case where the Quarry Quandry quest could be prevented from being completed.
  • Added party storage to the Undercroft in Skyhold.
  • Added item tinter to the Undercroft in Skyhold.
  • Fixed terrain patches popping while moving on low and medium settings.
  • Prevented a change to the Gamepad control scheme if a compatible gamepad is not connected.
  • Allowed changing the control scheme to Mouse + Keyboard when a compatible gamepad is not connected.
  • Temporarily change to the Mouse + Keyboard control scheme when a compatible gamepad is not connected, but Gamepad is the selected control scheme.
  • Improved stability.
  • Fixed the True Grit perk to apply to all party members.
  • Fixed flickering terrain when using SLI/Crossfire.
  • Fixed the issue where Qunari Inquisitors were able to equip the Inquisition Battlemage armor.
  • Single-player only: implemented auto-attack with mouse and keyboard controls, with a new key binding created for this purpose.
  • Fixed an exploit where certain abilities could be used multiple times before the cooldown was started.
  • Fixed an exploit with Explosive Shot where indirect hits were not causing the ability to cool down and reduce stamina.
  • Fixed cases of the new-item icon appearing on old items after salvaging in multiplayer.
  • Added an Option to increase the maximum zoom level when using the Tactical Camera.

[Image via Dragon Age]

‘Dragon Age: Inquisition’ Patch 5 Details Revealed is an article from: The Inquisitr News

‘Fifty Shades Of Grey': Jamie Dornan To Pocket Huge Pay Rise For Reprising Christian Grey



Jamie Dornan is set to receive a huge pay rise when he reprises his role as Christian Grey in the upcoming Fifty Shades Of Grey sequels.

There had previously been a bevy of rumors suggesting that Dornan was going to drop out of the role. Some of this speculation had suggested that his wife had interfered and proclaimed that she was unhappy with him continuing his work in the erotic drama, while others had suggested that these rumors were all just a ploy to loosen the grip of the novel’s author, E.L. James, on the series.

But it’s now been reported, via the Mirror, that the actor is going to pocket around $7 million for reprising Christian Grey. While Hollywood Life have alleged that the actor will actually get $12 million for his future performances. Either way this would be quite a huge increase for the actor because it’s been alleged that he was only paid $125,000 to play the character in the first film.

A source for the Daily Star has reportedly confirmed, “Jamie has signed the deal and he’s thrilled, the money on offer was just too good.”

The insider also confirmed that Dornan did have concerns about returning to the franchise though, as he was worried about being typecast. However the financial rewards offered to him soon made him change his mind.

“He’s been really worried that he will get typecast as Christian Grey and it will do his long-term career ambitions damage. So he was about to walk away and leave it all behind then bosses of the movie franchise came back with the jaw-dropping offer.”

Meanwhile the source also confirmed rumors that Amelia, Jamie’s wife, had voiced her concerns with him starring in Fifty Shades Darker were completely wide of the mark.

As The Inquisitr previously reported, it was revealed just a few days ago that Dornan had insisted that if Sam Taylor-Johnson, who directed Fifty Shades Of Grey, didn’t return for the future sequels, neither would he. He made this claim “as a ploy to put pressure on James and push her to loosen her grip.”

Jamie Dornan’s pursuit not to be typecast as Christian Grey has seen him sign up for Anthropoid, via Coming Soon. Dornan will take the lead role of a Czech soldier who leads the attempt to assassinate SS officer Reinhard Heydrich. Sean Ellis, who previously directed 2006’s Cashback, is overseeing the war-time epic, which is set to star filming in July.

[Image via Top]

‘Fifty Shades Of Grey': Jamie Dornan To Pocket Huge Pay Rise For Reprising Christian Grey is an article from: The Inquisitr News

California Woman Who Lied About Having Terminal Cancer To Scam People Out Of Donation Money Pleads Guilty And Faces Jail Time


California woman lied about suffering from teriminal cancer

A California woman is now facing jail time after leading people to believe she had terminal cancer in order to get donation money and gifts.

CBS Los Angeles reported that 39-year-old Christina Lagman of Riverside County created a Facebook account where she posted her story of having terminal cancer and claiming to have weeks to live. After receiving attention from the public, she began asking for donations.

Valerie Cortes was one of several people who donated money to Lagman after learning about her illness. Although Lagman looked the part of a cancer patient with a shaved head, she had her suspicions when her behavior seemed odd and began questioning Lagman.

When Lagman’s answers didn’t seem genuine, Cortes began conducting an investigation where she later learned that Lagman was previously convicted of fraud and embezzlement.

Cortes immediately reported her to Murrieta police.

“She was very believable. She was very convincing. She wrote long messages on her Facebook page that were just so heart wrenching about being scared and alone, Cortes stated.”

“See that pink bag? That’s the bag. She had three of them going around the room. It says ‘Cancer sucks’ and everyone was putting cash in them, she told the media.”

After being questioned, Lagman posted on her Facebook that she could prove that she was suffering from terminal cancer to anyone that didn’t believe her. She also added that they are “more than welcome to take me to the doctor and pay the bill.” When Cortes responded with “I’ll do it,” she immediately removed her from Facebook.

Cortes added,

“It struck a chord with me. I have three friends that are fighting for their life right now.”

“I want other people to ask questions. Don’t just believe somebody because they say it and they shave their head.”

During police interrogation, Lagman showed investigators a letter from her physician to prove that she was suffering from terminal cancer. However, investigators investigated further and discovered that the document was a fake.

Lagman was placed under arrest and was held on a $25,000 bond.

During her court hearing Wednesday, Lagman pleaded guilty to ‘theft on false pretenses,’ according to 10tv.

Not only is Lagman ordered to repay her victims who made donations to her, but she is facing less than three years in jail for the crime.

The terminal cancer fraud will be sentenced next month.

[Image courtesy of Matthew Burpee/Flickr]

California Woman Who Lied About Having Terminal Cancer To Scam People Out Of Donation Money Pleads Guilty And Faces Jail Time is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Coffee Gives You Cleaner Arteries



Coffee drinking, a regular subject of scientific studies, is once again in the health headlines.

This time the story is in the ‘plus’ column, because new research from South Korea suggests regular coffee drinkers can benefit from cleaner arteries.

A number of reports have firmly places coffee under the ‘negative’ column, connecting coffee consumption with heart risk, by way of heightened cholesterol levels and increased blood pressure. But this new research goes in the other direction, suggesting that for some, coffee could actually protect the heart.

The research published in the journal “Heart” assessed heart health by using medical scans. They were studying disease of coronary arteries, the arteries which directly supply the heart.

None of 25,000 office worker participants showed outward symptoms of heart disease, but the scans of more than one in 10 showed visible calcium deposits. Researchers compared the results against factors including coffee consumption and congenital factors. They found that people who drank a few cups of coffee every day were less likely to have calcium deposits in their coronary arteries than non-drinkers.

Research appears to suggest that coffee can effectively clean the pipes.

Study authors say more research is needed to confirm and explain the coffee drinking link, while the British Heart Foundation’s Victoria Taylor concurs, appearing wary of drawing a direct connection.

“While this study does highlight a potential link between coffee consumption and lower risk of developing clogged arteries, more research is needed to confirm these findings and understand what the reason is for the association.”

Taylor also drew attention to the geographic sample of the survey.

“We need to take care when generalising these results because it is based on the South Korean population, who have different diet and lifestyle habits to people in the UK.”

Could it be that South Korean people are generally healthier than people in the UK? Possibly. Although the study suggests that three to five cups of coffee per day is moderation, to which some might raise an eyebrow. There are obvious regional variations in the quantity and content of a cup. One regular American serving of coffee with whipped cream and a variety of syrups can be markedly different to one regular Italian serving of an espresso shot.

Coffee drinking habits and behaviours change all the time, all over the world.

Nonetheless, the study is another encouraging indication that drinking coffee, at least in moderation, could be beneficial to human health. But it could be wise to bear in mind that another coffee drinking study could be out next week saying precisely the opposite.

[Image – AP Photo/Ronald Zak]

Coffee Gives You Cleaner Arteries is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Ryan Reynolds Appears On Jimmy Fallon And Says His Baby Is “Allergic To Sleep”


Talks about baby daughter on Jimmy Fallon

Film star Ryan Reynolds appeared on the Tonight Show Monday evening to talk about his upcoming film Woman In Gold, but the conversation quickly turned to his 9 week-old daughter James. Reynolds and his wife, actress Blake Lively have not been getting much rest with little baby James in the house. Ryan tells Jimmy, “Our baby in particular is, we think, allergic to sleep.”

“We think that she thinks she’s protecting us from the sleep monsters,” Reynolds continues. “Like, ‘Oh, I have to keep them up or the sleep monsters will get them.’ “

Despite their lack of sleep the first time father glows with pride as he talks about his baby girl. People reports that Ryan has come up with his on to trick to get James to sleep, but it has proved to be unsuccessful so far. Reynolds has tried using the Baby Einstein stuff, but unfortunately it works better on him then little James. He says, “No, really. I could go down on a lit stove. I could just fall [asleep].”

After Ryan was done gushing about his baby girl, and promoting his movie, Fallon challenged him to a game of Egg Roulette. If you are not familiar with the game here is how it’s played. Jimmy and Ryan were presented with a dozen eggs. Eight of the eggs were hard-boiled, and four of them were raw. Each of them takes turns picking an egg and smashing it on their head, and the first player to get two raw eggs loses. Ryan went first because he was the guest and got lucky with his first pick, because the egg was hard-boiled. Jimmy was not quite as lucky, picking a raw egg on his first turn. After a few more rounds Reynolds finally got a raw egg and the score was tied 1-1. In the final round Jimmy said they should both go at the same time, so both men picked their egg, and at the same time smashed the eggs on their heads. Ryan won the game picking another hard-boiled egg, while Fallon was left with egg on his face.

Reynolds had been unsuccessful in winning any games he had participated in on the Tonight Show during previous appearances. He made a joke about those loses saying, “I always like to lose when I come play fun games. I lost in Old Man Shuffleboard and Water War.”

Despite Reynolds lack of sleep, it is obvious that he could not be happier about being a family man. In a previous report by the Inquisitr, it also seems like Ryan has no problem finding humor in his life as a father when talking about his baby. During an appearance on Live With Kelly and Michael, Reynolds was quoted as saying,

“Everyone thinks their baby is a genius. People find it delightfully refreshing when I tell them, ‘My baby? Totally average. Like, 100 percent average.'”

[Photo courtesy of YouTube]

Ryan Reynolds Appears On Jimmy Fallon And Says His Baby Is “Allergic To Sleep” is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Adelina Silva: New Mexico Eighth-Grader Suspended For Distributing Standardized Test Opt-Out Forms To Her Classmates


Adelina Silva handed out forms teaching her classmates how to opt out of standardized testing.

New Mexico 8th-grader Adelina Silva, like many other parents, teachers, and students in New Mexico, wasn’t at all pleased at having to take a standardized test. But when she distributed opt-out forms to her fellow students – forms that are available on the district’s website – she wound up being suspended, Fox News is reporting.

The incident that got Adelina Silva suspended happened late last month, but is only now gaining attention in the national media.

Adelina attends Capshaw Middle School in Santa Fé, New Mexico. Like her fellow students, Ms. Silva was concerned about having to take a standardized test known as PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers). Seeing that the Santa Fé School District has a form available on its own website allowing parents to opt their kids out of the test, Adelina printed off a bunch of the forms and began handing them out to her classmates.

Teachers were not amused, according to KRQE (Albuquerque).

“They started pulling the fliers out from the kids’ hands.”

She was then sent to the principal’s office, where she sat for an hour and a half, missing class time, until ultimately the principal made the decision to suspend her.

The PARCC test is extremely unpopular in Santa Fé, among students, parents, even teachers. After Adelina’s suspension, students at Capshaw organized a sit-in to protest the tests, walking out of class and going into the hallways. The teachers’ union doesn’t like it either, but according to KQRE they were told by the state’s Department of Education not to criticize the test (leading the union’s president to complain that their First Amendment rights were being violated). And Adelina’s mother, Jacqueline Ellvinger, explains why parents hate the test.

“It’s ridiculous. Our children’s education is being based off a test.”

Adelina’s suspension for distributing out-out forms to her classmates is indicative of the sometimes absurd lengths schools have been known to go through to perform well on standardized testing. Scores on standardized tests, as well as participation rates, can make or break a school’s state or federal funding. For example: in Alabama, according to this Inquisitr report, 8th-grader Alyssa McKinney was suspended for refusing to take a Common Core-based standardized test. And in Colorado, truant officers have been sent to children’s homes to round up kids whose parents opted them out of standardized testing.

As for Adelina, the Santa Fé school district issued a statement, insisting that no students have been disciplined for promoting the district’s opt-out policy; a statement which seems to contradict Adelina’s account of what happened.

“Santa Fé Public Schools supports a parent’s right to opt his or her child out of state-mandated standardized testing… no students in the district have been disciplined for supporting or promoting this district policy of a parent’s right to opt their child out of testing.”

Do you believe that Adelina deserved to be suspended for distributing standardized test opt-out forms to her classmates? Share your thoughts in the Comments below.

[Image courtesy of: The Blaze]

Adelina Silva: New Mexico Eighth-Grader Suspended For Distributing Standardized Test Opt-Out Forms To Her Classmates is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Jesus’ Childhood Home May Have Been Found, Archaeologist Says


Jesus' Childhood Home

A British archaeologist claims he has identified the first century childhood home of Jesus. According to the archaeologist, an ancient text points to a first century stone and mortar structure hewn out of limestone in a hillside in Nazareth, northern Israel, as the house where Jesus lived as a child.

Reading University archaeologist Dr. Ken Dark, who dated the Jewish house to the early first century A.D., wrote in an article published in the highly-respected journal Biblical Archaeological Review, that an ancient pilgrim text, De Locus Sanctis, written in 670 A.D. by an Irish monk, Abbot Adomnan of Iona, provides key evidence identifying the house as Jesus’ childhood home.

Adomnan’s text was based on a reported pilgrimage made to Nazareth by the Frankish Bishop Arculf. It gives account of an ancient church “where once there was the house in which the Lord was nourished in his infancy.”

De Locus Sanctis

Adomnan’s 670 A.D. Text, De Locus Sanctis

The text described the house where Mary and Joseph raised Jesus as located between two tombs built in the first century below a church near the Church of Annunciation.

Based on textual and archaeological evidence, Dark identified the church below which Jesus’ childhood home is located as the Sister Of Nazareth Convent in Nazareth.

It is believed that a church with two tombs in its crypt was once located in the site in the Byzantine era. The ruins of the building also become part of a church during the Crusades in the 12th century.

Jesus' Childhood House

There Was A Tomb Beside The House In Which Jesus May Have Lived

Evidence that the early church took great care of the site for several centuries indicates that it was venerated since early in church history as the location of an ancient structure of special significance.

Commenting on the great care lavished on the site in church history, Dark wrote in his article published in the journal Biblical Archaeological Review, that the tombs and the house were decorated with mosaics in the Byzantine era.

“Great efforts had been made to encompass the remains of this building. Both the tombs and the house were decorated with mosaics in the Byzantine period, suggesting that they were of special importance, and possibly venerated.”

According to Dark, the house has been identified as located beneath the Sisters of Nazareth Convent, near the Basilica of Annunciation in Nazareth, which Adomnan’s text mentions specifically.


Basilica Of Annunciation

“The other [church] stood nearby and was built near a vault that also contained a spring and the remains of two tombs. Between these two tombs was the house in which Jesus was raised. From this is derived the more recent name for the church that Adomnàn described.”

The house, cut into a limestone hillside, has several rooms and a stairway. One of the doors of the house and part of the house’s original chalk floor have survived.

Dark, an expert in first century and Christian archaeology, who has been studying the structure since 2006, said the house matches perfectly the home described in Adomnan’s 670 A.D. text. He wrote that although he has no proof that the structure was Jesus’ home as a child, there is “no good reason” to question the claim made in early church texts about the house.

Jesus' Childhood Home

Dark Said The House Matches Perfectly The Home Described In Adomnan’s 670 A.D. Text

“Was this the house where Jesus grew up? It is impossible to say on archaeological grounds. On the other hand, there is no good archaeological reason why such identification should be discounted.”

The site was first identified as a historically significant site in the 1880s and an excavation ordered after nuns accidentally discovered an ancient cistern at the site.

Later in 1936, a Jesuit priest Henri Senes, carried out further work on the site.

Dark and his team began excavation at the site in 2006, under the Nazareth Archaeological Project. Since 2006, broken cooking pots, a spindle whorl and other limestone artifacts have been found at the site, according to the Daily Mail. The artifacts suggest that the house had been occupied by a Jewish family.

This is not the first time that archaeologists have attempted to find the house in which Jesus was raised. In 2009, archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority excavated a first century Jewish home which they thought might have been the house in which Jesus was raised.

Jesus’ Childhood Home May Have Been Found, Archaeologist Says is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Netanyahu Speech To Congress: How Twitter Is Reacting


Netanyahu speech to Congress, how did Twitter react?

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress was a historic and controversial event and now reactions are coming fast and furious on Twitter, with people on both sides of the aisle inserting their opinion.

With his speech, Netanyahu attempted to persuade members of the U.S. Congress that a deal with Iran is a bad idea. He argued, that the world and Israel in particular would be better off with no deal and continued sanctions, which President Obama opposed.

The American President and other high ranking administration officials were missing in action, as he stated later, he did not watch Netanyahu’s speech. The Prime Minister argued that Iran cannot be trusted and a deal with the rogue nation would amount to a path to nuclear weapons.

Twitter is lighting up with comments from all over the world and political views. Here is some of what has caught our attention so far.

From the looks of it, Twitter users are expressing more support than opposition to the Netanyahu speech before Congress, however, the passionate opinions come from both sides. In the chamber itself, it seemed like the Israeli Prime Minister was received warmly, with members of both parties giving him standing ovations at times.

But in the end it was Netanyahu who scored on Tuesday morning, when news came that Iran had rejected “Obama’s deal.” According to the BBC, Iranian Foreign Minister, Javad Zarif, was quoted saying the President spoke in “unacceptable and threatening” terms.

Despite the set back for the administration, Zarif assured that talks would continue as the March 31 deadline approaches. During an interview with Reuters, Obama insisted that disagreements over Iran would not be “permanently destructive” to the U.S.-Israel relationship which has historically been rocky.

Iran has made it clear that they will not abide by a deal that is not favorable to them. According to the quasi official news agency Fars, Zarif said his country would “not accept excessive and illogical demands”.

So what was the President doing while the Netanyahu speech was captivating Congress and the rest of the world? A last minute meeting to discuss the situation in Ukraine was scheduled by the White House. Find more reaction on Twitter below.

[Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images]

Netanyahu Speech To Congress: How Twitter Is Reacting is an article from: The Inquisitr News

David Petraeus Agrees To Plead Guilty, Admits Sharing Classified Information With His Mistress


Former CIA Director

David Petraeus has agreed to plead guilty to one count of “removing and retaining classified material.” The former CIA director is accused of sharing classified government information with his mistress and making false statements amid a federal investigation.

As the charge is classified as a misdemeanor, Petraeus will not be sentenced to time in prison. However, federal prosecutors have recommended a $40,000 fine and two years of probation.

Prior to his 2012 resignation, David Petraeus served 37 years in the United States Army. Following his retirement from the Army, he served as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency for more than two years.

Throughout his career, Petraeus was honored with numerous awards and medals, including the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, the Distinguished Service Medal, and the State Department Secretary’s Distinguished Service Award.

Although he was well-known and highly respected throughout the world, Petraeus’ past accomplishments are now overshadowed by a scandal.

As reported by Politico, the scandal revolves around a set of “Black Books,” which the former commander kept during a 2010 conflict in Afghanistan. According to reports, the notebooks “contained a wide variety of top-secret information, including the identity of covert officers and details of discussions with the president.”

Following his return to the United States, David Petraeus’ mistress, Paula Broadwell, expressed interest in writing his biography. According to court documents, Petraeus consented to the biography and offered Broadwell the use of his notebooks to gather information.

Although the classified information did not appear in the biography, officials were alerted to the situation during a separate investigation. According to reports, authorities recovered several e-mail messages, which suggested Broadwell had access to classified information. During the execution of a search warrant, authorities discovered the notebooks inside an unlocked drawer in David Petraeus’ desk.

The previous year, Patraeus signed a sworn affidavit, stating that he surrendered all classified materials upon his resignation from the CIA. As a result, the former commander was charged with retaining classified documents. He was further charged with sharing the classified information with his mistress.

As reported by New York Times, Patraeus was forced to admit to retaining and sharing the documents as part of the plea agreement. However, he and his family will be spared the embarrassment of further court proceedings.

Despite the negative publicity surrounding the scandal, David Petraeus’ history as a strong and capable leader is difficult to overlook.

In a 2012 news conference, President Barack Obama said he hopes David Petraeus “and his family are able to move on and that this ends up being a single side note on what has otherwise been an extraordinary career.”

[Image via ISAF via Getty Images]

David Petraeus Agrees To Plead Guilty, Admits Sharing Classified Information With His Mistress is an article from: The Inquisitr News

‘Real Housewives’ Star Cynthia Bailey Facing Social Media Hate After Fight With Phaedra


Cynthia Bailey could no longer be speaking to Phaedra

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Cynthia Bailey has been focusing on herself this season, as she was emotionally hurt from the drama with NeNe Leakes. Even though Cynthia was crying throughout the previous season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, she is now confident, strong and motivated to move forward. But she could be leaving her Real Housewives co-stars behind.

On Sunday’s episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Cynthia Bailey went out for a wine and cheese night with Kenya Moore and Claudia Jordan. During the talk, Bailey dished the dirt that her husband had seen the text messages between Phaedra and Mr. Chocolate. Of course, Kenya felt upset because the move would have been hypocritical for Phaedra.

According to a new That Grape Juice report, The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Cynthia Bailey is now being questioned by everyone on social media because of her involvement in the drama with fellow Real Housewives star, Phaedra. People are not happy with Bailey’s actions, because she was clearly the one spreading the story on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Of course, social media is often buzzing with Real Housewives news and Cynthia has been very vocal this season about various things. She is no longer friends with NeNe Leakes, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a storyline. Instead, she is getting involved in old Real Housewives drama between Phaedra and Kenya.

According to the Inquisitr, Parks outlined her thoughts about everyone who attended in the dinner and Phaedra was questioning whether Bailey is with her or against her.

“I was disappointed that Cynthia, a fellow wife and mother, would be so insensitive to repeat such an absurd notion less than 24 hours following my husband’s incarceration and the drama that occurred with it,” Parks has revealed, adding, “At no point have Cynthia and Peter ever reached out to check on me or my children. I was amazed that she was more interested in spreading a lie than supporting me as a woman and newly single mother. I guess the purported class she touts must have been on winter break, because that was the most classless thing I have ever witnessed.”

In addition, Bailey has previously called her co-star a liar. She is convinced that Parks did indeed cheat on Apollo Nida and that Mr. Chocolate is a real man. There has been no proof that she was indeed cheating.

What do you think about the drama on this season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta? Do you think Cynthia and Phaedra are feuding due to the dinner fight between housewives?

[Image via Bravo]

‘Real Housewives’ Star Cynthia Bailey Facing Social Media Hate After Fight With Phaedra is an article from: The Inquisitr News

New ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ Trailer Drops, Here’s What’s New [Video]


Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer

Apart from maybe Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Avengers: Age Of Ultron may be the most anticipated film of 2015. And it’s no wonder why, as it brings together at least nine fan-favorite superheroes into one movie. Yet despite the anticipation, Marvel has been pretty coy with the footage and specific details they’ve dropped. The first two trailers did a great job establishing a morbid tone, but we were still given very little plot. It was thought that, in an effort to leave some of the iconic Avengers moments in the theater, they’d restrain themselves. While this new Avengers: Age Of Ultron trailer does indeed show some restraint, it does still give us a lot of content to glomp onto.

First and foremost is Ultron’s motive. For the first time, we are given a reason why he wants to take down the Avengers and destroy the world. The trailer opens in a temple, with Ultron speaking to Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. “I was designed to save the world,” Ultron says. “People who have looked to sky and seen hope… I’ll take that from them first. There’s only one path to peace. Their extinction.”

'Avengers: Age Of Ultron'

The Avengers plan their next move in ‘Age Of Ultron.’

And so we have Avengers: Age Of Ultron, a story of an artificial intelligence with a conviction that the death of the human race is the only way to save the earth. To make matters worse, it is an A.I. created by Tony Stark himself to help protect the world. “Well, you amazingly failed,” Black Widow says to Stark. No kidding.

So what else did the Age Of Ultron trailer have to offer? We see a moment where Quicksilver takes out Captain America with a punch to the face, so as expected, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver look to be Ultron’s underlings in the film, and it’s a wonder how the movie will manage to make them redeemable after their role in the world’s destruction. Though based on a shot with Scarlet Witch fighting with the Avengers, we know at least she is destined to turn.

There is also an allusion to the idea that we may lose our first Avenger in this film. But as for who it will be… well, we know it can’t be Iron Man, Captain America, or Black Widow, as they’ve all been confirmed for future films. I’ll leave any further speculation on that for the fandom.

We are also treated to two potentially iconic Avengers moments–though admittedly none quite as cool as the circling shot from the first Avengers. The first moment is a shot where they all leap through the snow to take on the machine gun-wielding enemies (who they are, however, is unknown). The second moment is a a shot from above, where they stand back-to-back in a circle as they take on all the Ultron-bots, who attack en masse.


The Avengers and Scarlet Witch (Right) take on Ultron’s army.

Lastly, we have our very first in-film look at Vision, as brief of a look as it is. Needless to say, it looks pretty slick.


Our first look at the Vision.

Overall, this trailer is likely the strongest of the three, showing a significant amount of story, as well as exciting set pieces. While the first two Age Of Ultron trailers gave off a sense of helplessness, this one makes the movie seem more like a nail-biting action/thriller, which is by no means a bad thing.

So what were your thoughts on the new Avengers: Age Of Ultron trailer? Let us know your thoughts below!

New ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ Trailer Drops, Here’s What’s New [Video] is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Couple Arrested At ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Event For Having Sex In Erotic Museum



It turns out that anything even slightly associated with Fifty Shades Of Grey is an aphrodisiac for some people.

Because a couple attending an event associated with E.L James’ novels and the recent cinematic adaptation were so turned on by what they saw that they couldn’t help but have sex at the Erotic Heritage Museum.

According to the TMZ, via the Mirror, the duo were attending a Fifty Shades Of Grey event at the museum in Las Vegas,which “was featuring an homage to kink on Valentine’s Day,” when they decided to replicate what they’d seen.

The pair meticulously planned out their adventurous sexual escapade, as they waited for the Erotic Museum’s staff to leave before they then searched out the perfect room to conduct their efforts.

Unfortunately for the pair security cameras immediately captured every moment. Dr. Victoria, who runs the museum, has revealed that these officers soon got in contact with staff members who then turned up at the Erotic Museum to stop the pair and their shenanigans. You can click over to TMZ to see a video of the duo being caught in the act.

This is the latest in a long-line of bizarre escapades that have been inspired by Fifty Shades Of Grey.

Most others have been associated with the release of Sam Taylor-Johnson’s adaptation of E.L. James’ novel, which stars Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson as Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele respectively.

Just last week the Inquisitrreported about a Fifty Shades Of Grey screening being interrupted by an individual who was so drunk that they repeatedly vomited and then even lost control of their bowel and bladder.

As you can imagine, the foul stench immediately led to the entire cinema being evacuated while those in attendance also received a full refund.

Back in February a woman has arrested after she was caught masturbating during a screening of Fifty Shades Of Grey in Mexico. While during a showing of the movie in Glasgow a man was attacked by a group of women, and drunk women have been caught vomiting in aisles while watching the film too.

That hasn’t stopped Fifty Shades Of Grey from recording a hugely impressive haul at the international box office. It has already grossed just under $500 million, which has led adaptations of the novel’s sequels, Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed, to be put into pre-production too.

Fingers crossed that by the time they’re released people will be able to maintain control of their bodily functions.

[Image via Tokoo Bat Perangsang]

Couple Arrested At ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ Event For Having Sex In Erotic Museum is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Sexy At 61 Christie Brinkley Talks Vegetarian Anti-Aging Weight Loss Diet And Seeing Naked Cindy Crawford [Video]


Christie Brinkley

Supermodel Christie Brinkley is sharing all her sexy-at-61 secrets. From diet to anti-aging tips, Brinkley is ready to tell all, reported Fox News.

Talking with Dr. Mehmet Oz on his talk show, Christie also discussed the controversy that ensued when Cindy Crawford was revealed looking fabulous at 49 in lingerie. Some contended that the photos actually were photoshopped.

But Christie revealed that she saw Cindy naked, and got so inspired that she boosted her own regimen.

“I just shared a dressing room with Cindy Crawford — at most, it was a year ago, OK — we’re in the dressing room and I turned around to grab something and Cindy is stark naked stepping into something,” laughed Brinkley.

“She looked perfect. It was kind of annoying. I was very inspired and went home and did my exercises.”

And the message from both Cindy and Christie is simple. It takes work, said the supermodel.

“I’m telling you with my own eyes, she was perfect. I know that she takes really good care of herself,” added Christie.

Christie believes that attitude is as important as exercise, she told Dr. Oz.

“I think that ultimately your age is determined by your attitude. It’s not the number, it’s not how many wrinkles you have on your face. It’s the energy that you project.”

Cindy Crawford agrees that attitude is everything, as the Inquisitr reported.

“I really think – at any age – it’s learning to be comfortable in your own skin. If women would treat themselves with the same kind of love they give to their friends, that would be such a great gift we could give ourselves. What makes you the most attractive is self-confidence. That’s what people see,” said the 49-year-old model.

However, Crawford also pays attention to her diet, following a carefully designed high protein diet that emphasizes organic foods.

In contrast, as for her own diet, mom and model Brinkley considers herself a vegetarian, she told Harper’s Bazaar.

“I haven’t touched a piece of meat since I read a graphic description of Chicago’s slaughterhouses when I was 12,” revealed Christie. “Over the years I’ve gone through all the varying phases, but currently I’m a vegetarian who doesn’t eat fish or dairy except for goat’s and sheep’s milk.”

However, Brinkley does enjoy eggs in addition to milk.

“Every morning I make myself a cappuccino with a drawing in the foam,” she revealed.

“I have sheep’s-milk yogurt from Old Chatham Sheepherding Company mixed with organic blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, papaya, chia seeds, raw oatmeal, and walnuts. If I want protein, I’ll have an egg-white omelet with spinach and mushrooms.”

Lunch typically includes a salad with beans or grains, and Christie nibbles on an afternoon snack of pumpkin seeds and nuts or sips vegetable dish. For dinner, she usually has brown rice and lentils, with more veggies.

As for indulgences?

“I like a glass of red wine with dinner because it doesn’t interfere with my sleep (and) a piece of a Gnosis Pom Açai raw chocolate bar every day,” confessed Christie.

[Photo by George De Sota/Getty Images]

Sexy At 61 Christie Brinkley Talks Vegetarian Anti-Aging Weight Loss Diet And Seeing Naked Cindy Crawford [Video] is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Grandmother Attacked By Pit Bull During Ice Bucket Challenge, Violent Assault Caught On Camera, Footage Goes Viral [Video]


pitbull attacks

Footage of a grandmother being violently attacked by a pit bull has surfaced online. According to Fox News, the video which was reportedly filmed last summer was initially for charity purposes. Brenda Rigdon had opted to participate in the Ice Bucket Challenge. But, unfortunately, the shocking video chronicled much more than her participation in the viral fundraising campaign for ALS. She was also violently attacked by a pit bull.

The two-minute video starts off with the older woman sitting down in what appears to be a backyard or garden area. She explained how she was nominated for the Ice Bucket Challenge and why she decided to participate. The video continues like the thousands of other Ice Bucket Challenge videos, but takes a horrific turn once the woman is doused with water. A large pit bull leaps toward the woman and bites her in the face. The dog continues the assault by knocking Rigdon to the ground. Sadly, the vicious attack took place in front of her grandchildren, who were seemingly unaware of the severity of her injuries.

‘”Grandma are you OK?” one of Ridgon’s grandchildren asked.

“No, go get me towel please.” she replied.

The end of the video also shows the damage Ridgon suffered from the attack. Several still images of the aftermath are also shared. According to the Daily Mail, Ridgon’s son shared the footage of the vicious attack via YouTube. He also provided a lengthy description with information about the dog. Apparently, the dog whose name was Kilo, belonged to his sister. However, her name was not released.

Ridgon’s son shared a few facts about the dog. It was confirmed that the dog was wild and had not been trained. The pit bull was strictly for breeding purposes. Then to make matters worse, the attack was not the dog’s first. He also slammed his sister for keeping the dog for seemingly wrong reasons.

“This is my mom when she was viciously attacked by a pit bull last year during the ALS ice bucket challenge. She lived to tell the tale of it and didnt want this released until she was ready.. This should serve as a warning to all pet owners. Unless you are going to take the time to make an animal a pet then it will remain an animal. This was my sister’s dog who she only kept to stud out for breeding purposes. she took no time to train him or make him listen. He was a wild dog and she should be ashamed for keeping him out of selfishness and not love.”

The dog was reportedly euthanized shortly after the vicious attack.

[Image(s) via YouTube]

Grandmother Attacked By Pit Bull During Ice Bucket Challenge, Violent Assault Caught On Camera, Footage Goes Viral [Video] is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Felicity Huffman Embraces The ‘Golden Age’ Of Television In ‘American Crime’


Felicity Huffman American Crime

Felicity Huffman is back on television. Even though it’s only a few short years since the series finale of Desperate Housewives, it’s a whole new playing field on television — especially for women.

Thanks to shows like Homeland, The Good Wife, and How to Get Away With Murder, networks aren’t afraid to take risks with their storylines, and flesh out fully realized female roles for women in the industry.

Now, Felicity Huffman is back with American Crime, a show that’s already sparking interest ahead of its premiere. Speaking about how television has changed throughout her career, Huffman said that it’s now a golden age of television.

“We have the best of the best. It’s like repertory theater. They have the best writers and actors working in that medium. It’s so cool. When I did Sports Night, it was in front of a live audience. We had a laugh track. The audience doesn’t seem to brand-watch; they go where the content is. Amazon, Netflix, ABC, HBO: people are more emboldened to put out great content even if “it’s not what we do.”

Her new show American Crime is a racially charged anthology based on a murder that went down. Many are describing the show as a whodunit but with a deeper meaning.

When discussion turned to the racial politics involved in the show, Huffman shyed away from discussing what side of the fence she remained on.

“It’s somewhat difficult for me to talk about the political nature of the show — it was my job to look at a very small part of the whole machine. I can say this: I think it’s unfortunate that crime in America is one of the melting pots where you get every race, religion, social class. It’s everyone from every walk of life, every background. I think that’s interesting — why John Ridley put it there. When you look at the American judicial system, you see how it affects everyone.”

Viewers are already looking forward to American Crime.

[Photo by ABC]

Felicity Huffman Embraces The ‘Golden Age’ Of Television In ‘American Crime’ is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Waist Trainer Love On Instagram: Waist Training Cinchers, Girdles And Corsets Become Big Business For Shapewear Sales


Instagram waist training

To give you an idea of how popular waist trainers have become, Google reports that the term “waist trainer” gets searched for 135,000 per month, with “waist training” following up close behind it at 110,000 monthly searches. Simply plopping the term “waist site:instagram.com” into Google turned up all the celebrities and everyday folks who are praising their “waist cincher” (49,500 searches per month) or “girdle” (33,100 for the word) for giving them back the slim middle they had pre-baby, or one they’ve never had before.

Imagine the sales when someone like Khloe Kardashian posts an Instagram photo to her 18.3 million followers, praising the Waist Gang Society “waist training corset” (33,100 searches for that term) — ones that WhatsAWait.com says can run $130 each. Selling 100 of those suckers in one month would bring in $13,000 in gross sales alone for what appears to be a one woman shop run by Miami-based entrepreneur “Premadonna,” as reported by the Inquisitr, about the woman at the helm of Waist Gang Society, a person Khloe Kardashian met during her weight loss journey two years ago.

With Kim Kardashian praising the same waist shaper (12,100 monthly searches) on Instagram to her 27.3 million followers, one suspects that the sales numbers could hover a lot higher than 100 per month. Indeed, Ruben Soto says sales of his waist trainers are up 250%, reports USA TODAY, with the Hourglass Angel president pegging the $54 “Amia” waist cincher as his most popular. The term “waist trainers,” by the way, gets 9,900 monthly searches on Google, while the search engine reports “waist trainer corset” and “waist training corsets” also getting 9,900 searches per month each.

Ka’Oir Fitness is another popular Instagram account offering a reduced waist via trainers, along with sites like Girly Curves, pumped on Instagram by Jenni JWOWW of Jersey Shore fame, who not only points her fans to the Girly Curves site — a place that offers butt enhancing panties and even waist shapers for men — but also offers her Instagram followers 10% discount codes and such. Another waist trimmer (6,600 searches per month) seller making noise is No Waist Society, brought to fame when stars like Toya Wright pubbed their gear. And don’t leave out Kim Zolciak, whose latest Instagram post repping the “No Waist Clique” Instagram page — which points to the Nowaistsociety.org website in their Instagram decription — has brought comments about Kim’s waist looking super small, reports the Daily Mail.

Either way, the proof of the popularity of these modern-day shapers are in the proverbial pudding — and the search numbers. Google says “how to measure waist” gets 8,100 monthly searches, the same amount as those queries for “waist to hip ratio,” “corset waist training,” “waist training before and after” and “corset training” each month. And while “girdles” still holds strong at 6,600 monthly queries, the proof of our obsession with our middles is witnessed by the “waist trimmer” and “how to get a smaller waist” terms that also garner the same amount of searches.

[Image via Kim Zolciak Instagram waist trainer photo]

Waist Trainer Love On Instagram: Waist Training Cinchers, Girdles And Corsets Become Big Business For Shapewear Sales is an article from: The Inquisitr News

West Virginia Citizens Defense League Fears ‘Constitutional Carry’ Bill is Misunderstood


gun control

The West Virginia Citizens Defense League is a group of individuals who have formed a large team of volunteers whose main objective is to protect and uphold the Second Amendment Constitutional Right of the United States, according to WVCDL President Keith Morgan. The pro-constitutional gun rights group is the largest and most active in West Virginia, frequently working with lawmakers, lobbying, and suggesting bills to the West Virginia Judiciary Session.

This year, the WVCDL, along with the NRA, backs West Virginia Senate Bill 347, which is a bill aimed at protecting and defining the constitutional right to carry a handgun without a permit. Several other states in the U.S. already have passed a form of this bill, including Arizona, Alaska, Vermont and Wyoming. West Virginia SB 347 cleared the state Senate 32-2 with bipartisan support and is now up for consideration in the House. The bill eliminates the current requirement of a law enforcement-approved permit to carry a concealed firearm. While there has been great support of the bill, several vocal groups and opponents of the bill have concerns about it. According to WVCDL President Keith Morgan, one of the primary opposers of the bill is the WV Sheriff’s Association.

“Their arguments hinge around officer safety. However, this argument does not hold up to researched evidence under scrutiny. The WVSP Academy trains every law enforcement officer in WV that every contact is armed. Therefore, operationally, there will be no change for them, and it may actually help combat complacency, which research has shown is what gets officers killed. Further, under current law, anyone who can legally own a firearm can carry one openly. There is no expansion of or change as to who is allowed to carry. There would simply no longer be tax associated with concealment.”

Morgan further states that he is concerned that opposition is more about money and less about safety concerns.

“Make no mistake, this opposition to this bill is about money. The legislature takes a right, and allows the sheriffs to sell them back to the public. They enjoy 3 million dollars in revenue by forcing us to purchase our constitutional rights back.”

Morgan, along with Vice President Art Thomm and the rest of the WVCDL, says that there is some misinformation circulating and that they want to address untruths so that all residents can know the facts of the bill and have peace of mind regarding it.

“There have been claims this bill will arm domestic abusers and felons. This is completely false. The reality is that this bill does not touch the section of the law which prohibits these people from possessing firearms, let alone carrying them…they will still be prohibited, and subject to serious jail time for carrying. There are also claims that we are destroying the permit process, and that it will remove reciprocity from other states. This is false. The permit policy remains in place, and all reciprocity agreements will remain intact.”

Morgan further states that this bill will behoove law enforcement officers, and he states WVCDL wishes to work in conjunction with them to make law enforcement officers and citizens of West Virginia safer. “We believe that an armed populace is a deterrent to violent crime. We believe this is especially true when criminals do not know which potential victims may be armed. John Lott’s extensive statistical analysis supports this belief, and has yet to be scientifically refuted.”

It’s understandable that firearms are a hot topic for many individuals and groups of people for many reasons. Keith Morgan of the WVCDL states his goal is to protect constitutional rights and work to make West Virginia safer through legislation and education.

Readers, what are your thoughts on the issue of taxation in order to get a concealed carry permit? Do you feel that a taxation on concealed carry is a violation of your constitutional right under the second amendment?

West Virginia Citizens Defense League Fears ‘Constitutional Carry’ Bill is Misunderstood is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Cristiano Ronaldo Imports Hair, Hires Stylist To Groom Mannequin



Cristiano Ronaldo reportedly makes sure that a mannequin of him that is housed in a Madrid wax museum is kept in tip-top condition by having hair imported in from India and a hairstylist groom it on a monthly basis.

The 30-year-old Real Madrid forward is firmly regarded as not only one of the Spanish behemoth’s best ever players, but one of the best soccer players to have graced a soccer field in the entire sport’s history.

And, according to the Mirror, Ronaldo makes sure that his visiting fans to Madrid’s wax museum are treated to a life-like replica of him by going to these extreme measures.

The aforementioned publication have reported that Gonzaol Presa, who is Museo de Cera’s communications director, told the Spanish radio show, Cadena Ser Catalunya, that since his likeness was erected at a Madrid wax museum back in December 2013 he has employed a hair stylist to visit and groom the specimen once a month. He does this in order to make sure that the Ronaldo wax mannequin looks exactly the same as he does.

Cristiano told us to be sure his figure was perfect,” Presa explained. “He sent his own hairstylist to brush his figure once a month.”

Meanwhile Presa then added that Ronaldo makes sure that the hair on top of the mannequin’s head isn’t fake by importing natural locks in all the way from India.

“Cristiano’s hair is natural,” he explained. “It is not a wig and it comes from India.”

You can check out an image of the real Cristiano Ronaldo alongside his wax-mannequin below. The living Ronaldo is the one on right, just in case you weren’t able to tell.

Over the weekend Cristiano Ronaldo notched his 30th goal of the season to become the first player in La Liga history to have achieved such a feat in five consecutive campaigns.

However it wasn’t enough to lead Ronaldo’s Real Madrid to victory as they were ultimately held to a 1-1 draw by Villarreal at the Bernabeu.

[Image via Daily Soo]

Cristiano Ronaldo Imports Hair, Hires Stylist To Groom Mannequin is an article from: The Inquisitr News

One Legged Man Has Specialized Prosthetic Limb Stolen From His Car On His Birthday



When Paralympic hopeful Ranjit Steiner awoke on his birthday and went down to his car outside the San Francisco apartment he lives at, the last thing he expected was to have had his specialized prosthetic leg stolen by thieves, among other valuables.

While at Gunn High School, Steiner won the honor of Athlete of the Year a bunch of times but then lost his leg from above the knee due to bone cancer.

Despite being an amputee, Steiner was determined to pursue his interests as an athlete and when he received a $30,000 sprinter‘s prosthesis, he had a new lease of life, and was able to run again.

However when Steiner awoke on a bright and sunny Tuesday morning and jumped into his car on his way to work, while driving he looked left and saw that the passenger window was smashed, “Anything of value was gone. I thought, ‘I hope my leg’s here,’ and I started looking under the seats,” he said.

The fact that Tuesday was his birthday, just added insult to injury.

The limb is no use to anyone as it was specially fitted for his leg, which enables him to sprint 100- and 200-meter races and to even perform the long jump.

Sadly, without he leg, Steiner can’t practice for the upcoming Paralympics, “If you can imagine, this is like an injury. Without that leg, I can’t do high-level training…. If someone stole my walking leg, I’d say, ‘Whatever,'” he said.

For now, Steiner is banking on the thieves returning his leg to him, as he said, “People have had their legs stolen and six blocks away, someone finds the leg thrown in the bushes.”

In any event, also for now, a gofundme site has been set up for Ranjit, and he can be contacted in relation to that at ranjit@steiner.at.

One Legged Man Has Specialized Prosthetic Limb Stolen From His Car On His Birthday is an article from: The Inquisitr News

‘Bringing Up Bates’ Renewal: Season 2 On The Way Via UP TV


'Bringing Up Bates' Season 2 is on the way for UP TV

The end of the first season of Bringing Up Bates is right around the corner, but fans have reason to celebrate rather than mourn that impending finale. UP TV has renewed the show featuring Gil and Kelly Jo Bates, along with their 19 kids, for another season. What’s the scoop?

Many 19 Kids and Counting fans were thrilled to see the Bates family get a new television show on UP TV. Gil, Kelly Jo and their 19 children had done one season of a reality TV show for TLC called United Bates of America in 2012, but then the network didn’t move forward with additional seasons. After a bit of time away from television, the family connected with UP TV and created a new show.

So far in this first season, Bringing Up Bates fans have seen Whitney and Zach welcome baby Bradley and Erin and Chad Paine have revealed their struggles with starting their own family. Erin and Chad are expecting a child now, and on Thursday’s show Entertainment Tonight shares that Erin will be planning a gender reveal party.

Alyssa and John Webster are living near his family in Florida, and they are expecting a baby girl soon as well. Episode 11 airing on March 12 will show the Bates family traveling to check in on Alyssa and John. Viewers have also seen the courtship progress between Brandon and Michaella, with a proposal anticipated to be coming soon.

Given all of the big developments transpiring for the Bates family in this debut season, fans made it clear that they want more. According to TV by the Numbers, UP TV decided not to waste any time in making a decision on this one. Bringing Up Bates Season 2 is on the way, and in fact the family is already filming new episodes.

Though UP TV has been around for a bit, Bringing Up Bates is the network’s strongest series and it makes sense that both the network and the Bates family would partner for another round of the show. Season 2 will have 13 episodes and it will premiere in June.

While so far there has been no official courtship come together between the Duggar family and Bates family, even Erin Paine admitted that it probably is just a matter of time. The 19 Kids and Counting and Bringing Up Bates families have been close for years and there is a lot of crossover in the fan bases. The Bates family has been seen frequently on 19 Kids and though the shows are on different networks now, many viewers hope the Duggars can pop up on the Bates show as well.

Tune in to Bringing Up Bates airing on Thursday nights on UP TV and stay tuned for more news from Gil, Kelly Jo and the kids as both Alyssa Webster and Erin Paine welcome their babies in the months ahead and Season 2 comes together with a fresh set of episodes.

[Image via UP TV]

‘Bringing Up Bates’ Renewal: Season 2 On The Way Via UP TV is an article from: The Inquisitr News

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