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Carol Burnett Intersection Officially Opened In Hollywood [Video]


Carol Burnett Intersection Officially Opened In Hollywood [Video] 9879

A Carol Burnett intersection has been officially unveiled in Hollywood. Carol Burnett Square, located at Selma and Highland avenues, is a tribute to the 79-year-old comedienne and actress.

Fittingly, a plaque dedicated to the new Carol Burnett intersection is positioned right outside Burnett’s alma mater, Hollywood High School.

Wednesday’s dedication ceremony was attended by the woman herself, who said the honor had moved her.

“It’s more personal than anything I’ve ever received,” Burnett told ABC, adding that the sign will raise a smile every time she drives past it.

Burnett, a much-loved Hollywood veteran who has been a comedic icon for decades, was the central star of The Carol Burnett Show. The variety and sketch comedy show, which ran for 11 seasons from 1967 – 1978, won 25 prime time Emmy Awards.

The actress told ABC that the intersection dedication and the success of her new book, Carrie and Me, had made her day. “Two wonderful personal things happened today,” she said. “I’m just going to mark this day with a gold pin on my calendar!”

The dedication ceremony for the Carol Burnett intersection included a performance by H2O, Hollywood High School’s vocal performing group. And, of course, there was only one way to end the ceremony – a performance of the theme song from The Carol Burnett Show, a tune belted out by Burnett herself for 11 seasons.

Are you a fan of Carol Burnett? If so, let us know your favorite memory from The Carol Burnett Show in the comments!

Carol Burnett Intersection Officially Opened In Hollywood [Video] is a post from: The Inquisitr

‘Among the Sleep’ Developers Hoping For December Launch


Among the sleep developers looking for December launch

Among the Sleep developers Krillbrite studios is looking to get their game off the ground by using a new Kickstarter campaign. Krillbrite would like to be able to finish their game and get it out to the market by December of this year.

In order to accomplish their goal of making $200,000 through Kickstarter they will need to find the same kind of success that other game comanies like DoubleFine have managed.

The $200,000 price tag is what the development team has decided it needs in order to quit their part-time jobs and devote all of their time to the game.

This particular kickstarter campaign is slated to run through May 18 and as of now, the team looks like it is well on its way with a little over $76,000 already pledged.

Among the Sleep is a truly original survival horror game because the player actually steps into the shoes of a two-year old child.

This means that a world that honestly might not be that scary to an adult is suddenly terrifying to you as the young babe who is just trying to get back to your family.

The game features no traditional combat, so this is truly a survival game where you need to escape rather than fight your way out of tight scrapes.

Because you are basically a toddler, your movements are not what they would be if you were a well trained and fully grown person.

Instead the movements are that of someone who isn’t sure on their feet and indeed at times isn’t on their feet at all.

If this seems like a project that you want to back, you can rest assured that it won’t cost an arm and a leg.

A $20 donation will get you a digital copy of the game when it is finally released as well as some wallpaper with original art for your computer.

Spend $25 on Among the Sleep and you can get the digital copy as well as the soundtrack for the game.

‘Among the Sleep’ Developers Hoping For December Launch is a post from: The Inquisitr

Jenna Marbles: It’s Ridiculous That I’m So Popular [Video]


jenna marbles

Jenna Marbles is one of the most popular internet personalities. She millions of Twitter and Instagram followers and her YouTube videos have been viewed more than a billion times.

But why is she so popular?

If you don’t know Jenna Marbles, she’s a comedian who frequently posts videos to YouTube. She covers controversial topics like home workouts, how guys fall asleep, makeup and her addiction to junk food.

That may not sound like riveting internet television but millions of people have fallen in love with Marbles.

The comedian told ABC: “It’s bizarre, I mean … it’s just crazy.”

Marbles, real name Jenna Mourey, appeared on Good Morning America today to talk about her popularity. ABC correspondent Cecilia Vega wanted to answer the question, “Why is Jenna Marbles popular,” but the best answer that they could come up with was that it’s all a little ridiculous.

Marbles said: “It’s ridiculous that a lot of people watch it and what I put out on the Internet is ridiculous, yeah … I would image that some people would find it entertaining. The amount of people who have found it entertaining is ridiculous.”

Of course, the answer is a little bit more complicated than that. Here’s a video that Jenna Marbles made earlier this year detailing her life and the start of her career.

Are you a fan of Jenna Marbles? Do you think that it’s ridiculous that she’s so popular? Here’s her interview today from ABC.

Here are some of her most viewed videos. Now can you see why people like her?

Jenna Marbles: It’s Ridiculous That I’m So Popular [Video] is a post from: The Inquisitr

‘Splinter Cell: Blacklist’ Latest Trailer Shows Off Wii U Features [Video]


Splinter cell blacklist Wii U features

Splinter Cell: Blacklist‘s latest trailer shows off all the things you can do on the Wii U that you can’t do on any other console.

The game has had a couple of trailers release this month and while the first one showed off what Sam can do, this one shows off what the Wii U can do with the gamepad.

When the game is played on Nintendo’s newest console, the separate gamepad can be used much like Sam uses his OpSat in the story.

The game developers claim that when you are playing on the Wii U, you can use different weapons quickly and easily. The motion sensors built into the controller also allow you to activate the Killing in Motion function with ease.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist seems to be one of those games that could actually take off on Nintendo’s console in a way that it may not do on the Microsoft Xbox 360 or the Playstation 3.

Nintendo has been looking for a game that would truly set it apart from the other current generation consoles and this game might just give it the leg up its been looking for all along.

The console has been struggling mightily in almost all markets since it was released last Holiday season.

The gamepad will also allow you to track friends who are also playing the game, no matter where they are in the world without having to exit your game.

If you like to compete with your friends in real time, this function might be one that can rope people into the game on this particular system.

Ubisoft has been slowly rolling out different features, as we get closer and closer to the release date. Over the weekend the studio showed off the box art.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist is expected to arrive on August 20 in the US and can be pre-ordered now.

‘Splinter Cell: Blacklist’ Latest Trailer Shows Off Wii U Features [Video] is a post from: The Inquisitr

‘Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen’ Review Roundup


'Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen' review roundup

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is out April 23 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Here’s what the critics had to say.

Dragon’s Dogma is Capcom’s epic foray into the action RPG genre, featuring landscapes ripped straight out of fantasy lore inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien. The game puts you into the action in a behind-the-character perspective and has you hacking and slashing your way through legions of beasts using strategy and cunning.

An innovative addition to this RPG title is the introduction of “pawns”, which are NPC characters that join you on your quest. One pawn is solely from your game, while up to two others are online player assists.

Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen is more of an expansion than a sequel, but it offers new challenges to keep veterans hacking and slashing away, such as pyrosaurians (fiery lizards), Death, and the Gazer. It’s a bit of a nip-and-tuck of the original title, changing a few things, but keeping a lot of it familiar. The environments are ever so charming in the way smoking cadavers line your path as you venture into the new night-bound world. Some of the NPC item hawkers speak with English accents slightly askew, adding to the mysterious feel of this adventure.

Bitterblack Isle is always night, if that gives any indication of the mood Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen gives you from the start. The first game made night time a more difficult time to venture, but in this chapter, you have no choice. If you want daylight, play the first one. This one will throw bosses at you like confetti at a parade, so it’s suggested that you level up to at least 50 before even trying it.

Capcom gave this game a new form of travel as well. There are three fixed locations you can warp to, making for less adventuring and more getting where you want to go via portals.

If you like your action RPG titles difficult and lacking in mercy, give this one a try.

What do you think of Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen?

‘Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen’ Review Roundup is a post from: The Inquisitr

Mitchell Wahl X-Factor Audition [Video]

Just A Grandpa In A Hoveround [Video]

Life Hack – Avoid DUIs [Video]

Rand Paul: Immigration Reform Must Address Boston Marathon Bombings


Rand Paul says the immigration bill should be put on hold

Rand Paul wants to get to the bottom of the Boston terrorist attack before voting on any new immigration laws.

Sen. Paul, a supporter of immigration reform, says the current legislation should be put on hold until all the facts are known about how the Boston Marathon bombing suspects were allowed to enter and stay in the U.S.

Paul, a libertarian-leaning Republican and a medical doctor, made his feelings about the national security implications of the immigration system known in a letter to US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

The so-called Gang of Eight (four Democrats and four Republicans in the Senate) have put forth a sweeping immigration reform bill that is currently before the Judiciary Committee. The legislation would among other things provide a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants. The 1,500 page bill has been criticized in some quarters for containing all kinds of compliance loopholes, complicated Obamacare-like language, and insufficient border security provisions, however. Despite all the political rhetoric, various opinion polls suggest that immigration reform is low on the priority list of the average American even though it is favored generally.

Rand Paul’s letter to Reid said in part:

“I believe that any real comprehensive immigration reform must implement strong national security protections. The facts emerging in the Boston Marathon bombing have exposed a weakness in our current system. If we don’t use this debate as an opportunity to fix flaws in our current system, flaws made even more evident last week, then we will not be doing our jobs.

“We should not proceed until we understand the specific failures of our immigration system. Why did the current system allow two individuals to immigrate to the United States from the Chechen Republic in Russia, an area known as a hotbed of Islamic extremism, who then committed acts of terrorism? Were there any safeguards? Could this have been prevented? Does the immigration reform before us address this?”

Paul also wondered whether more scrutiny is needed when “accepting refugees from high-risk nations.”

The senator recently educated America about the 5th Amendment when he conducted an old-school filibuster against John Brennan’s nomination to head the CIA over drone deployments on US soil.

Do you agree with Sen. Paul and several other lawmakers that the current immigration reform legislation should be delayed until all the facts come out about the Boston bombings?

Rand Paul: Immigration Reform Must Address Boston Marathon Bombings is a post from: The Inquisitr

Fishermen Hit By ‘Rogue Wave’ In Gulf of Mexico, Lone Survivor Says


Fishermen Hit By Rogue Wave

Five fishermen were hit by a “rogue wave,” according to the lone survivor, who was rescued two hours after the incident began.

The survivor, John Reynolds, stated that he and the four other fisherman aboard the Nite Owl weren’t concerned when thunderstorms prevented the commercial fishing boat from returning to shore.

Reynolds recalled that the crew did what they normally would in the situation — tie the boat to an oil rig off the Texas Gulf Coast. Then, they fell asleep.

But their sleep was disturbed early Friday morning when “a rogue wave, a freak wave or something hit the side of the boat.” The wave nit the captain’s cabin and ripped the top of the boat off.

The boat’s captain was sent overboard that the Nite Owl, a 50-foot vessel, sank in two minutes. One crew member went after the captain while Reynolds and the remaining two crew members spotted a life raft. However, Reynolds was the only fisherman to reach the raft.

He spent the next two hours floating in the Gulf of Mexico until he was rescued by the US Coast Guard. The Coast Guard then went in search of the four missing fishermen overtaken by a rogue wave. But despite scouring over a 5,400-square-mile area with planes, helicopters, and boats, they came up with nothing.

The Coast Guard called the search off on Sunday afternoon, a move that Reynolds was sorry to see. He stated, “I’m just sorry they didn’t find anybody. I wish all the guys would have been in that life raft with me.” The missing fisherman have been identified as Don Windom, Duoc Dan Nguyen, Jamie Esquivel, and Charles Patrick, the fishing vessel’s captain.

The Nite Owl began its fatal journey on Thursday when it left Port Bolivar near Galveston, Texas. The trip was meant to last eight to 12 days. But the boat sank 115 miles southeast of Galveston. Reynolds, a fisherman for 35 years, escaped with minor injuries. But he will be dealing with the loss of his friends for a long time to come.

[Image via ShutterStock]

Fishermen Hit By ‘Rogue Wave’ In Gulf of Mexico, Lone Survivor Says is a post from: The Inquisitr

Carrie Underwood In Tweet Rage Over ‘Ag Gag’ Bill


Underwood Tweet Rage Carrie Over 'Ag Gag' Bill 2 456654884

A new Carrie Underwood tweet rages at the “ag gag” bill currently heading to Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam.

The new bill would mean Tennessee journalists would have 24 hours to turn over to authorities undercover footage of a farm or livestock operation. “Ag gag” laws effectively criminalize whistleblowing on factory farms, and would prevent journalists from exposing animal abuse, unsafe working conditions, and/or environmental problems on industrial farms.

News that Governor Haslam would soon be considering the bill sent Underwood into a tweet rage. The country singer and actress told her 1.5 million Twitter followers:

“Shame on TN lawmakers for passing the Ag Gag bill. If Gov. Bill Haslam signs this, he needs to expect me at his front door. Who’s with me?”

The singer later tweeted a link to an explanation of “ag gag” bills, while those who questioned her choice to make a political tweet were met with a sharp reply:

“I should stick to singing? Wow…sorry, I’m just a tax paying citizen concerned for the safety of my family.” #NoAgGag

Underwood’s sentiments found much support on social media with animal activists, but time is running out for those who love animals.

Around a dozen states have passed or are proposing legislation banning undercover footage or images from farming operations. Supporters of the laws argue they are designed to protect the privacy of farmers and agriculture businesses.

However, in the absence of a single US federal law that protects animals, welfare investigators and journalists have played a major role in bringing public attention to inhumane practices.

What do you think about “ag gag” bills? Do you feel Carrie Underwood’s tweet rage is justifiable?

Carrie Underwood In Tweet Rage Over ‘Ag Gag’ Bill is a post from: The Inquisitr

WWE Twins To Star In New Series ‘Total Divas’


wwe the bella twins

The WWE’s Bella twins will be starring in a new E! reality show called Total Divas.

The Bella Twins will star alongside five other female WWE stars. The Funkadactyls, Natalya, Eva Marie and Jo-Jo Offerman will also be starring in the new show.

Suzanne Kolb, President E!, said: “I’m thrilled for E! and WWE to join forces and pull back the curtain on one of pop culture’s most fascinating arenas … With tens of millions of weekly fans at their disposal, these glamorous, entertaining and powerful women prove that behind the glitz of the spotlight, the locker room drama and the jockeying for position within the organization, they are all drawn to one thing: stardom.”

Total Divas will follow the woman of the WWE as they “wrestle” with challenges both inside and outside of the ring.

Kevin Dunn, Executive Vice President, Television Production, WWE, said: “We are excited to work with E! on the launch of ‘Total Divas,’ a series that will showcase the professional and personal lives of WWE’s multi-talented female performers. There is no series on the air that can rival the charm, beauty, larger than life personalities, drama and glamor that this show will deliver.”

Here’s a look at the Bella Twins fighting the Funkadactyls at WWE Raw.

Are you excited for the new E! series?

Here’s a little more about the series from a press release: “Throughout the series, we will see these women attempting to establish their own pecking order, as the new girls attempt to handle the jealousy and pressure that comes with working your way up the ladder for the most airtime, ring time and top celebrity status. With no two days alike and juggling their constant demands, the Divas definitely find time to celebrate their star status by traveling the world for their various charities, appearing in feature films, attending star-studded red carpets and glamorous photo shoots. Through it all, the everyday challenges of maintaining relationships with their boyfriends, as well as their families, in their over the top lifestyles start to take their toll on the girls.”

The new series is scheduled to premiere on July 28.

WWE Twins To Star In New Series ‘Total Divas’ is a post from: The Inquisitr

Luis Suarez Gets 10-Game Ban For Biting Opponent


Luis Suarez Biting Suspension

Luis Suarez received a 10-game ban for biting his opponent during Liverpool’s game against Chelsea on Sunday. The incident happened during the game, which turned out to be a 2-2 draw.

Suarez was caught on camera biting Chelsea’s defender Branislav Ivanovic. The 26-year-old has since apologized to his victim.

Along with the 10-game ban, the striker was also fined by his club. Liverpool has until Friday at 12 pm BST to appeal the decision to ban their player.

Luis Suarez, an international player from Uruguay, accepted the Football Association’s charge of violent conduct. However, he claimed the ban should be three games, the standard for violent behavior, instead of 10. Liverpool seemed to agree. The club said they were “shocked and disappointed” by the length of Suarez’s suspension.

A statement by the FA regarding Suarez’s 10-game suspension reads, in part:

“A three-person independent regulatory commission today upheld the FA’s claim that a suspension of three matches was clearly insufficient and the player will serve a further seven first-team matches in addition to the standard three. The suspension begins with immediate effect.”

In response, Liverpool’s managing director Ian Ayra released a statement, saying:

“Both the club and player are shocked and disappointed at the severity of today’s Independent Regulatory Commission decision. We await the written reasons tomorrow before making any further comment.”

Luis Suarez is no stranger to suspension. He has served two already — once in 2010 for biting and once in 2011 for racially abusing Manchester United defender Patrice Evra. The striker has also been accused more than once of diving to win penalties and free kicks. He was also criticized for scoring a goal despite an obvious handball during a FA Cup tie this season.

Suarez’s previous penalties were seven games and eight games respectively. There is no standard minimum or maximum punishment for biting in the sport’s disciplinary code. The Liverpool striker’s ban will keep him from playing the last four games of this season as well as the first six of the 2013-2014 season.

Do you think Luis Suarez deserves a 10-game ban for biting Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic?

[Image via katatonia82 / Shutterstock.com]

Luis Suarez Gets 10-Game Ban For Biting Opponent is a post from: The Inquisitr

$100 Bill Redesigned, Will Enter Circulation This October


$100 bill redesign

The $100 bill has been redesigned.

The Federal Reserve announced today that it has completed its redesign of the $100 bill. The process took about two years longer than expected, but the Fed is now confident that the new bill will begin circulating this Fall.

The Federal Reserve Board said in a release: “The redesigned $100 note will begin circulating on October 8, 2013.  This note, which incorporates new security features such as a blue, 3-D security ribbon, will be easier for the public to authenticate but more difficult for counterfeiters to replicate.”

Dawn Haley, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, said that the redesign was delayed in 2010 due to creasing issues. Haley said that the problem has been fixed and that the $100 bill is back in full production.

Haley said: “We made numerous process changes to address the creasing issue and we are back in full production.”

The newly redesigned bill has added security features like a disappearing liberty bell and a 3D security ribbon. The Federal Reserve said that the U.S. Currency Education Program will be reaching out to businesses to teach them about the new security features so that they can recognize counterfeit bills.

Here’s a video about the newly redesigned $100 bill.

The new $100 bill went through several changes during the redesign process, but it will still include a portrait of Benjamin Franklin.

What do you think of the redesign? The Fed has already added additional security features to the $5, $10, $20, and $50 bills. There are no plans to redesign the $1 bill.

$100 Bill Redesigned, Will Enter Circulation This October is a post from: The Inquisitr

American Idol: Secret Plan To Replace Mariah Carey With J. Lo. Rumored


American Idol: Secret Plan To Replace Mariah Carey With J. Lo. Rumored

American Idol executives had a secret plan to replace Mariah Carey mid-season and replace her with J. Lo., but the plot was allegedly thwarted by Carey’s legal team.

The rumored secret plan to replace Carey was in response to Idol’s drop in the ratings, The Hollywood Reporter noted. The report says that Carey responded with a threat to sue American Idol, leading producers to drop the plan.

Though Idol’s secret plan to replace Carey may have been avoided this season, the judge could still be on her way out once this iteration of the show has ended. Insiders said there will be another turnover in judges this year, with a search to replace Mariah Carey and possibly Nicki Minaj as well.

The show’s producers shot down rumors of the Idol secret plan to replace Carey with Jennifer Lopez.

“This is just another ridiculous Idol judge rumor, likely started by talks of Jennifer performing on the finale,” a Fox spokeswoman tells THR in a statement.

Mariah cCrey and Nicki Minaj seemed to get off on the wrong foot, with rumors of a feud behind the scenes even as the show was in its early stages of production.

Minaj has also been a distraction throughout, showing up late to a live performance and giving off-the-cuff interviews on the show’s contestants. Back in March, she seemed to disparage the show’s remaining male contestants (who have since been eliminated).

Speaking by phone to reporters, Nicki Minaj was asked if there was any chance a boy could win American Idol.

Her answer was direct: “NO!” After a silent moment, she added: “No. Absolutely not. Not a chance.”

With the bad press caused by both Carey and Minaj, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see the ratings-challenged show cut ties and go in a new direction.

Do you think there’s any truth to the rumor that Idol had a secret plan to replace Mariah Carey?

American Idol: Secret Plan To Replace Mariah Carey With J. Lo. Rumored is a post from: The Inquisitr

Mosque Won’t Bury Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev As A Muslim


Mosque Won't Bury Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev As A Muslim

A Mosque won’t bury suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev as a Muslim.

As previously reported by The InquisitrDzhokhar Tsarnaev explained about the Boston bombing’s motivation, saying their religious fervor as Muslims is what triggered the violence.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev had become increasingly devout and confrontational about his Islamic beliefs since 2010, confronting speakers at public events who compared the Prophet Mohammed to Martin Luther King, Jr. and another who said celebrating American holidays was acceptable.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev said his older brother planned the Boston Marathon bombing. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed by police when exchanging gunfire during the MIT shootout on April 18. The brothers killed a campus patrol officer and carjacked an SUV before the shootout.

The family of Tamerlan Tsarnaev has received permission to bury the body. Tamerlan’s uncle apparently went to the Boston area mosque they attended as a family, only to be told the mosque won’t bury the suspect. Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s aunt relayed this story but cannot say the name of the mosque.

A mosque in Cambridge claims Tamerlan Tsarnaev attended their services, and they claim Tamerlan occasionally caused disruptions to the point that mosque leaders threatened to kick him out. The FBI has already questioned the people of this mosque, and they are not offering any comments.

Imam Talal Eid of the Islamic Institute of Boston says he agrees with the mosque that won’t bury the suspect:

“I would not be willing to do a funeral for him. This is a person who deliberately killed people. There is no room for him as a Muslim.”

What do you think about this Muslim mosque refusing to bury suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev?

Mosque Won’t Bury Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev As A Muslim is a post from: The Inquisitr

‘Homeless Bill Of Rights’ Introduced In California


California Homeless Bill Of Rights

A “Homeless Bill of Rights” has been introduced by California lawmakers. The bill, AB5, extends rights to California’s homeless population including the right to sit on the sidewalk.

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano of San Francisco introduced the bill, stating that every California resident has the right to enjoy public space. The bill is in stark contrast to several local ordinances, which ban residents from sitting or laying on sidewalks.

As reported by Fox News, Santa Cruz, Los Angeles, Palo Alto, and San Fransisco have come faced criticism for the bans. Speaking to the Assembly Judiciary Committee, Assemblyman Ammiano pointed out that “citations, arrests, and jail time do not solve homelessness.”

Paul Boden, of the Western Regional Advocacy Project, contends that jailing the homeless would cost California counties millions.

In addition to allowing residents to sit, or lie, on the sidewalk, the bill would grant them permission to panhandle. AB5 would further provide centers where the homeless could shower and use the restroom.

A provision allowing public urination was stricken before the Assembly Judiciary Committee vote.

As reported by the San Francisco Examiner, the Homeless Bill of Rights, would prevent the arrest of hundreds of homeless residents under current “sit-lie” ordinances. However, AB5 does have an exclusion.

The “sit-lie” ordinances would remain enforceable in cities that have available public housing, reasonable financial assistance, and have not been identified as “an area of concentrated unemployment.” If those criteria are met, the cities will still have the power to arrest people who sit and sleep on the street.

Critics of the bill point out that while it provides the homeless with rights, it fails to address underlying issues. There are no provisions for help finding employment or housing.

AB5 was approved by California’s Assembly Committee yesterday, in a vote of 7-2.

Assemblyman Donald Wagner, who voted against the bill, states that “All the bill does is say leave the homeless alone. It doesn’t say help them get a home, help them get shelter, help them get a job.”

Approval by the Assembly is only the first of several steps needed to implement the Homeless Bill of Rights in California.

[Image via fotopedia]

‘Homeless Bill Of Rights’ Introduced In California is a post from: The Inquisitr

‘Pain And Gain’ Review Roundup


'Pain and Gain' review roundup

Pain and Gain, the latest film from Michael Bay, hits theaters April 26. Here’s what the critics said about it.

Pain and Gain is about a trio of Florida bodybuilders who get caught up in an extortion ring gone wrong. Directed by Michael Bay, this film stars Dwayne Johnson, Mark Wahlberg, and Anthony Mackie, alongside former singer Rebel Wilson.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Michael Bay? According to the critics, you can go with that notion and you’ll be right. Pain and Gain uses stars that also appeared in Will Farrell’s The Other Guys, and it will make you wish you were watching that one instead. Michael Bay was actually proud of Armageddon, if that tells you anything.

Michael Bay seems to have pushed money into every supporting role possible, making you wonder what he meant by the word “budget”. Of course, there were no giant alien robots to put on screen, so that’s probably where he saved the money.

Three dopey bodybuilders kidnap a rich guy and make him sign his possessions over to them. The concept is just weak and makes for little more than comedy fodder. Then again, this is Michael Bay’s film, so you can pretty much expect that.

Pain and Gain really is a fitting film for Michael Bay, as it’s filled with muscle-bound idiots surrounded by drug pushers, strippers, hookers, and the like. Mark Wahlberg plays Danny Lugo, a hustler who happens to manage the Sun Gym. He recruits Adrian (Anthony Mackie) and a former Attica inmate Paul Doyle (Dwayne Johnson), and they all dress up in ridiculous Halloween costumes to pull off the job.

Pain and Gain insults the audience’s intelligence with Michael Bay’s usual crass and vulgar humor, which works alongside the imposing characters to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

As stated above, this it typical Michael Bay crap.

What do you think of Pain and Gain?

‘Pain And Gain’ Review Roundup is a post from: The Inquisitr

Mike Brown Hiring Could Pave Way For LeBron James Return To Cleveland


Mike Brown Hiring Could Pave Way For LeBron James Return To Cleveland

With the Cleveland Cavaliers bringing Mike Brown back as coach, hopes are rising for the team to have another reunion — with its former star LeBron James.

Brown was the last coach to have success in Cleveland, leading the team to consecutive 60-win seasons and a trip to the NBA Finals. LeBron James was the main reason for this success, and now many in Cleveland hope that Brown could help the team land the now-maligned James again.

James famously left the team for the Miami Heat after the 2010 season, and Brown was fired shortly afterward.

But Brown and the Cavaliers agreed this week on a five-year, $20 million deal, sources told ESPN.com’s Brian Windhorst and ESPN The Magazine’s Chris Broussard.

Brown said he’s ready to get to work with Cleveland.

“I am thrilled to return to Cleveland to coach the Cavaliers,” Brown said in a release. “The commitment ownership and management have shown in their efforts to build a successful team and organization is deep and I am excited to lead the team forward. Nothing would mean more to me and my family than to help bring success to this very special community and to all of our committed and loyal fans.”

Now that he’s back with Cleveland, Brown could build a team attractive to James, who can opt out his contract with Miami as early as next summer and has left the door open to a possible return to Cleveland. The Cavs have one of the league’s best rising stars in Kyrie Irving and a lottery pick this year.

James hasn’t spoken about a possible return, but did praise Brown’s hiring.

“I’m happy for him, very happy for him,” James said Tuesday before Game 2 of the Heat’s first-round series against Milwaukee. “I think he’s a really good coach, very defensive-minded coach. It’ll be good for the young guys that they have.”

Bill Livingston of the Cleveland Plain Dealer thinks the reunion would make sense.

“[T]he Cavaliers had better have a fine-tuned, competitive vehicle with roomy salary cap space available for him,” Livingston wrote. “James is certain to be looking for a new team in the summer of 2014 because, while collusion can bring together the players for a “super team,” the new financial rules make it impossible to keep the dynasties together.”

Do you think LeBron James will join Mike Brown and return to the Cleveland Cavaliers?

Mike Brown Hiring Could Pave Way For LeBron James Return To Cleveland is a post from: The Inquisitr

Obama Warns Daughters He’ll Get The Same Tattoos They Do


Obama Warns Daughters Tattoos

President Barack Obama has warned his daughters he will get the same tattoos they do in an effort to stop the teens from that form of rebellion.

While it is certainly amusing to think of the US president with tattoos normally reserved for girls, it’s safe to say Sasha and Malia are too grossed out to try it.

Obama made the revelation last week during an interview with NBC’s Today, which also covered topics like gun control, North Korea, and immigration reform.

But among the more heavy-hitting topics came lighthearted questions, like how he and Michelle will stop their daughters from getting inked. President Obama explained in the interview, which aired on Wednesday:

“What we’ve said to the girls is, if you guys ever decide to get a tattoo, then mommy and me will get the exact same tattoo in the same place. And we’ll go on YouTube and show it off as a family tattoo.”

The US president explained that the Obamas’ tattoo threat is a good tactic to “dissuade them from thinking that that’s somehow a good way to rebel.”

He added that Sasha and Malia have kept them ”posted on what’s cool and what’s not.” He argued at the same time that things like their tattoo threat help he and Michelle make things look not so cool.

Along with talking tattoos, President Obama also addressed his wife’s recent slip of the tongue. Michelle Obama accidentally referred to herself as a single mom during a recent interview. Obama stated:

“You know, as somebody who has stumbled over my lines many times, I tend to cut my wife or anybody some slack when it comes to just a slip to the tongue. But there’s no doubt that there’ve been times where Michelle probably felt like a single time.”

While it’s safe to say President Obama’s daughters will think more than twice before getting tattoos, I’m sure there are plenty of us who are glad our parents never threatened to get the same ones we have.

[Image via The Official White House Photostream]

Obama Warns Daughters He’ll Get The Same Tattoos They Do is a post from: The Inquisitr

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