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Guantanamo Bay Prison Should Close, UN Rights Chief Says


Gitmo Should Close

Guantanamo Bay prison camp should close, according to the UN rights chief on Friday. Navi Pillay stated that the hunger strike being stagey by some inmates that the naval base in southeastern Cuba was “scarcely surprising.”

In saying that Guantanamo prison camp should be shut down, Pillay explained that the indefinite imprisonment of persons without charge or a trial was a violation of international law.

Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, added:

“We must be clear about this: the United States is in clear breach not just of its own commitments but also of international laws and standards that it is obliged to uphold.”

Guantanamo is still open, despite a promise made four years ago by US President Barack Obama to close the facility. The prison camp was opened by President George W. Bush in January 2002. Its purpose is to hold men captured in counter-terrorism operations.

But Pillay voiced his displeasure that the US had not followed through on its promise to close the prison camp.

The UN rights chief also welcomed comments by a White House spokesman last week saying that the president is trying to close the facility down. The spokesperson added that congressional legislation is the main reason why the problem has not been resolved.

There are currently 166 detainees in Guantanamo, but only nine of them have been charged with or convicted of crimes. About half of the detainees have already been approved for transfer either to their home countries or third countries for resettlement. Pillay added, “As a first step, those who have been cleared for release must be released.”

Some of the prisoners in Guantanamo have been detained for more than a decade. A US military spokesman at the prison confirmed that forty inmates are currently staging a hunger strike against their detention. Some have lost so much weight that they are being force-fed liquid nutrients.

The prison has been a source of contention since it opened and was even the site of a scandal involving prison guards beating prisoners.

Image via Michael Billings]

Guantanamo Bay Prison Should Close, UN Rights Chief Says is a post from: The Inquisitr

Facebook Blocks Mom For Uploading Breastfeeding Photos


Facebook Blocks Mom For Breastfeeding Photos

Facebook has blocked a mom after breastfeeding photos were uploading to a page she runs for new mothers, setting off a heated debate over the social networking site and its censorship of breastfeeding.

Kristy Kemp runs the support site Breastfeeding Mama Talk, which has drawn more than 4,300 fans. One of those members uploaded nursing images, prompting Facebook to block the mom who ran the site and keep her locked out of the page she created.

Facebook also removed the image itself, saying it “violated” the company’s policy. But a reading of the Facebook community standards seem at odds with this action. The rules seem to imply that there is a line between explicit pornographic material and things like breastfeeding photos.

The Facebook rules for photos read:

“Facebook has a strict policy against the sharing of pornographic content and any explicitly sexual content where a minor is involved. We also impose limitations on the display of nudity. We aspire to respect people’s right to share content of personal importance, whether those are photos of a sculpture like Michelangelo’s David or family photos of a child breastfeeding.”

Kemp decided to press the issue. After her 24-hour lock-out ended, she immediately uploaded a photo of another mom breastfeeding. It was also taken down.

“It’s not right. I’m trying to do good for mothers and I’m getting kicked off for posting pictures of the most beautiful act a mother can do her for kid. It’s not right,” Kemp told Fox40.

The issue of breastfeeding photos on Facebook has come up before. Last year Facebook blocked mom Emma Kwasnica for uploading photos of herself breastfeeding. After the incident blew up, Facebook sent a clarification of its policy to HuffPost.

“We agree that breastfeeding is natural and we are very glad to know that it is important for mothers, including the many mothers who work at Facebook, to share their experience with others on the site,” Facebook wrote. “The vast majority of breastfeeding photos are compliant with our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities and Facebook takes no action on such content. However, photos which contain a fully exposed breast, do violate our terms and may be removed if they are reported to us.”

In Kemp’s case, the media attention around the issue worked to her benefit. Facebook decided blocking the mom was the wrong move, and reinstated her with an apology.

Facebook Blocks Mom For Uploading Breastfeeding Photos is a post from: The Inquisitr

Adidas Stops Selling Kevin Ware T-Shirt


Adidas Stops Selling Kevin Ware T-Shirt

Adidas has halted sales of a t-shirt featuring the jersey number of Kevin Ware, the Louisville guard who suffered a horrific broken leg in Sunday’s Elite Eight game against Duke.

The footwear and sports apparel company cited a “logo issue” in stopping sales of the Kevin Ware t-shirt, Louisville sports information director Kenny Klein said. The shirt had read “Ri5e to the Occasion,” with Kevin Ware’s jersey number substituted for the “S” in Rise.

The t-shirt came under fire for the perception that the university and Adidas were profiting off the injury Kevin Ware suffered. As a student-athlete, Ware is barred from making any profit related to his playing, so any profit would go to the school and company. Louisville noted however that it waived Adidas’ royalties for the shirt so it would not profit from his injury.

A lawyer representing former UCLA player Ed O’Bannon and other former student-athletes against the NCAA and Electronic Arts over the right to use players’ images had called on Louisville to stop selling the shirt.

“The fact that there is money going to the scholarship fund doesn’t change things,” said Rob Carey, a partner of Hagens Berman Sobol and Shapiro, who is working on the case. “If they didn’t ask for Ware’s permission, they can’t sell the shirt, and if they did ask for his permission and he said, ‘Yes,’ that would be an NCAA violation and he would no longer be eligible.”

Dave Zirin, a columnist for The Nation, also complained that others could profit from Kevin Ware’s devastating injury. He wrote:

“You almost have to tip your cap: no non-profit does buccaneer profiteering quite like the NCAA. What other institution would see a tibia snap through a 20-year-old’s skin on national television and see dollar signs? … Not one dime will go toward Kevin Ware’s medical bills if his rehab ends up beneath the $90,000 deductible necessary to access the NCAA’s catastrophic injury medical coverage.”

Louisville said the shirt was meant to honor Kevin Ware, and more promotions are planned using his image. For the team’s Final Four game on Saturday against Wichita State, the Louisville athletic department gave out 1,000 “big heads” of Ware to fans in the student section at the game.

Adidas Stops Selling Kevin Ware T-Shirt is a post from: The Inquisitr

Jessica Alba Spending Quality Vacation Time With Nicole Richie


Jessica Alba Spending Time With Nicole Richie

Jessica Alba is spending some vacation time in the Caribbean with her good friend and fellow Hollywood star Nicole Richie.

The two have been hanging in the same celebrity circles for years, attending the same events as far back as 2005, and now that they both have growing families have become even closer. Jessica Alba and Nicole Richie are now taking that friendship on the road, as they’ve been seen on the island of St. Barts together.

They’re on the tropical island to celebrate the 10-year wedding anniversary of mutual friends, model Kelly Sawyer and her Hollywood producer husband Jamie Patricof. Richie and Alba have mostly been taking it easy, lounging in bikinis at the beach and going on a group outing to restaurant La Cabane de L’Isle de France (that group included actress Soleil Moon Frye).

But Jessica Alba and Nicole Richie have also done more serious projects together. They are both on the board of the charity Baby2Baby, and in March they attended a fashion show in Paris together.

Us Weekly noted that the mom to 4-year-old Honor and 19-month-old Haven looked good on the beach, showing off “her flawless, super-fit physique in a sky-blue bikini top with bright-orange bottoms.”

As to her secret to keeping fit even after two children, Alba told Women’s Health magazine that she “hates” exercising so she finds a more appealing alternative instead.

“I like doing dance classes. That’s fun. Like hip hop class, mixed with like core pilates-type exercises,” Jessica Alba said. “And sometimes I do sprint intervals just because I hate working out. Anything where I have to do something but I can get my mind off of doing it, that’s so much better for me than anything that’s repetitive. Or the music has to be loud and I have to be moving.”

Jessica Alba Spending Quality Vacation Time With Nicole Richie is a post from: The Inquisitr

Josh Hamilton Booed In Disastrous Return To Texas


Josh Hamilton Booed In Texas

Josh Hamilton was booed in his return to Texas to face his former team for the first time since bolting in the offseason.

Hamilton left to sign a five-year, $125 million contract with the Los Angeles Angels, and the Texas Ranger fans apparently didn’t take too kindly to the departure. When he walked to the plate in the top of the second inning, Josh Hamilton was booed loudly by the crowd of 48,845 in attendance.

It didn’t take Hamilton too long to get the crowd cheering again, however. Pitcher Derek Holland struck Hamilton out swinging, bringing the fans at Rangers Ballpark to their feet and eliciting a loud cheer.

Holland said he could sense the energy of the crowd, but had to stay focused on being aggressive with the slugger.

“I heard the crowd erupt every time,” Holland said. “I’m just going after him, treating him like every other hitter. … He’s a great hitter, I just didn’t really want to give him too much to hit. He can hit it a mile away.”

John Hamilton said the boos did get to him a bit.

“I’d lie to you if I said it didn’t bother me a little bit. But it didn’t like overwhelm me,” Hamilton said after the game. “It’s what I expected.”

Hamilton has struggled in the early part of the season, hitting .077 going into Friday’s game. He didn’t fare much better in the Angels’ 3-2 loss to the Rangers, going 0-for-4 with two strikeouts. He also misplayed a ball in the field that allowed A.J. Pierzynski to stretch a double into a triple.

Josh Hamilton wasn’t just booed in the game — fans took some other creative measures to get back at him. When he came up to bat, many of them held newspapers in front of their faces with the words “baseball town” written on them. Hamilton had previously said that Dallas/Fort Worth isn’t a real baseball town.

Josh Hamilton Booed In Disastrous Return To Texas is a post from: The Inquisitr

2 Dead At Day Care In Quebec In Apparent Murder-Suicide


2 Dead At Day Care In Quebec In Apparent Murder-Suicide

A shooting left 2 people dead at a day care in Quebec in what police are calling a murder-suicide.

The incident unfolded on Friday when police were called with a report of a man armed with a shotgun threatening people. By the time they arrived to the day care there were already 2 dead, a man with a shotgun beside him and an unidentified employee of the day care. Both had been shot.

The bodies were found in different parts of the Racines De Vie Montessori day care, which is separated into two homes.

The 911 call and shooting sparked fears among Canadians that there could be a repeat of the December massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. But in this case police found the children safe at a nearby house.

For many parents, the uncertainty of waiting to see if their children were safe was still excruciating.

“It was horrible,” said Omar Eltalawi, whose 3-year-old daughter attends the day care. “You see these things on the news and you don’t expect it to happen to you.”

Gatineau Police Chief Mario Harel said the shooting appeared to be related to a recent separation between a couple, but he didn’t give any more details on the motive or how the shooting took place. Police said the gunman used a high-caliber hunting rifle.

Police said it was likely that many of the children saw the 2 men shot dead at the day care.

“It’s a small area, it’s a close space,” said Harel. “For sure, they should have been witness (to) the event.”

Though a series of high-profile shootings in the United States, including the mass killing at Sandy Hook Elementary School, have sparked a debate about gun control, such incidents are extremely rare in Canada. The nation has tighter restrictions on guns and fewer gun owners, making the shooting that left 2 dead at the day care center that much more uncommon.

2 Dead At Day Care In Quebec In Apparent Murder-Suicide is a post from: The Inquisitr

Frozen Baby Mom: Woman Who Abandoned Newborn On Country Road Sentenced To 50 Years


Frozen Baby Mom Sentenced To 50 Years

A mom whose frozen baby was found along a rural highway in 2004 has been sentenced to 50 years in prison for killing the newborn.

Katie Stockton, 32, pleaded guilty to a single count of first degree murder in a deal that spared her 11 other counts of murder. She was accused of leaving the newborn, who became known as Baby Crystal, on a desolate country road to freeze to death.

Stockton admitted to keeping her pregnancy a secret, giving birth to the baby girl on December 17, 2004. She then stuffed the baby along with some soiled clothing into an orange shopping bag and left it at the end of a dead-end road near her parents’ house.

When police found the dead newborn, Katie Stockton denied that it was her’s and then refused to submit a DNA sample. It took investigators years to nab Stockton.

Detectives working on the case eventually found a cigarette butt that she threw away, testing the saliva to match it to Baby Crystal. The frozen baby mom was arrested in 2009 after a further DNA test proved with 99.96 percent accuracy that she was the newborn’s mother.

When police searched Stockton’s car, which had been impounded for a year, they found two other dead infants wrapped in clothing. Before sentencing the frozen baby mom, Winnebago County Judge John Truitt listened to testimony about the skeletal remains of the two other infants found in the trunk of her car, but Stockton remained uncharged.

“I was in a very dark place for many years,” Stockton told Truitt. “I apologize to those I hurt and ask forgiveness. I’m truly sorry for the pain and hurt they have endured.”

Stockton’s lawyer, Public Defender David Doll, said the frozen baby mom is a good person deep down but struggled with drug addiction and an inability to face the truth of her pregnancy.

Frozen Baby Mom: Woman Who Abandoned Newborn On Country Road Sentenced To 50 Years is a post from: The Inquisitr

Megan Fox Turns Redhead For Role In ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’


Megan Fox Turns Redhead

Megan Fox is now a redhead, and she’s got some giant turtles to thank for the makeover.

The 26-year-old Megan Fox turned redhead for her tole in the upcoming Michael Bay movie Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, where she plays newspaper reporter April O’Neil.

Megan’s casting in the movie came as a bit of a surprise given her difficult past with Bay. The two got into a spat when Megan compared his directing style to Adolph Hitler.

But now Megan is on board, and the project is moving ahead quickly. This week producers confirmed that Will Arnett has joined the project, which is a live action/CGI hybrid. Pete Ploszek, Jeremy Howard, Noel Fisher, and Alan Ritchson have signed on to play the turtle heroes, and Bay has yet to cast the parts of Shredder, Splinter, and Casey Jones.

The movie has a tentative release date of June 6, 2014, but had originally been slated to come out a few weeks earlier. Paramount reportedly moved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so it would not come into competition with a Godzilla reboot released around the same time.

Outside of her work, the newly redhead Megan Fox said she’s ready for another big project — growing her family.

After giving birth to son Noah in September, Fox said that the validation she gets from being a mom is greater than anything Hollywood has ever given her. Megan also told Marie Claire UK that she’s very happy with husband Brian Austin Green and already looking to have more children.

“All I wanted to do my whole, whole life was have a baby and, now, I’ve finally done it,” Megan Fox said. “I just want to give Noah as much of myself as I can. And I want to have more kids. That is where my heart is.”

More pictures of Megan Fox as a redhead can be found here.

Megan Fox Turns Redhead For Role In ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ is a post from: The Inquisitr

Mike Tyson Wife’s Lawsuit Over Threatening Emails


Mike Tyson's wife filed lawsuit over email threats

Mike Tyson’s wife Lakiha Spicer has filed a lawsuit against…wait for it…unknown someone or someones identified by an IP address. According to an exclusive report at entertainment site TMZ, Spicer has been receiving some kind of vaguely described extortion threats that include various undescribed “false allegations and accusations.”

TMZ said that they had a copy of the Los Angeles County filing by well-known celebrity attorny Mark Geragos, and maybe they do, but they haven’t published any proof at the time of writing.

So, your guess is as good as mine. The clear implication of the TMZ post is that some idiot who doesn’t care about getting their ear chewed off is trying to blackmail Mike Tyson’s wife. Hence the lawsuit.

And, despite Tyson’s well-known ability to deliver a punch, the family isn’t afraid to go to court. A few weeks ago, they filed another lawsuit against sports financial services advisor Live Nation, which Tyson and Spicer said had cost them millions of dollars in losses.

I didn’t know Tyson had “millions of dollars” left to be financially advised about, but hey. According to the suit, they’re seeking to recover $5 million.

For a guy who claimed to be making the rounds of homeless shelters less than a decade ago, that’s a good-sized chunk of change to have laying around to hand off to a bogus financial advisor.

Tyson was also in the news recently as the victim of a hoax started by chef Roble Ali. The text message exchange was doctored to make it appear as if Tyson and Ali were trash talking each other and that they ended up as friends with a plan to hang out in Vegas. Mike Tyson’s representative came forward to say that Tyson had never heard of the wanna-be chef.

As for Mike Tyson’s wife’s lawsuit? Hoax, hysteria, or the real deal? The jury’s still out.

[photo Mike Tyson and wife Lakiha Spicer by lev radin / Shutterstock.com]

Mike Tyson Wife’s Lawsuit Over Threatening Emails is a post from: The Inquisitr

Sara Bareilles Leaving NBC’s ‘The Sing-Off’


Sara Bareilles Leaves The Sing-Off

Sara Bareilles is reportedly leaving NBC’s The Sing-Off.

The singer is said to be parting ways with the talent competition in order to put more focus on her music. Bareilles joined the TV show for season three. However, she will not be returning for another go-around later this year.

The Grammy-nominated musician was brought in last season to replace Nicole Scherzinger after she decided to sign on for The X Factor at FOX.

Sara Bareilles was a member of a coed a capella group during her days at the University of Southern California. The singer displayed her knowledge of craft while judging contestants alongside Ben Folds and Shawn Stockman.

Although Sara Bareilles is leaving the The Sing-Off in order to focus more on her own career, the show is definitely not down for the count. In fact, fans of the a capella competition can expect some changes during next season.

Mark Burnett, the man behind Survivor and the miniseries The Bible, is taking the reins of the program next season. The show is expected to undergo some alterations before it returns to the small screen for season four towards the end of 2013.

“‘The Sing-Off’ showcases great talent and a musical form I love. It’s very special, and we’re excited to be involved,” Burnett said in a statement last month.

It’s currently unknown if Folds, Stockman, or host Nick Lacey will return for the next season.

Sara Bareilles Leaving The NBC Show 'The Sing-Off'

Although an insider has stated that Sara Bareilles is leaving The Sing-Off in order to focus on her music, nothing official has been announced by either the singer or the network. However, the musician has scheduled an 18-city tour to promote her upcoming album. The collection of tunes is expected to be released sometime this spring.

Are you disappointed that Sara Bareilles is leaving The Sing-Off in order to focus on her career?

[Top Image via Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com - Bottom Image via s_bukley / Shutterstock.com]

Sara Bareilles Leaving NBC’s ‘The Sing-Off’ is a post from: The Inquisitr

Demi Lovato Tweet Says Take Off Makeup, Insults Our Intelligence


Demi Lovato tweet bogus

Demi Lovato’s tweet urging the credulous (or the blind) to take off their makeup and “stop using those filters” is the latest in a tired string of steaming horse hockey claims that this star or that one wasn’t wearing her makeup in some obviously posed photo.

For instance, a few days ago, The Inquisitr posted Mariah Carey’s Instagram photo of the fake natural look in the tub. If by “no makeup,” you mean a waterproof foundation, sheer lip gloss, and about three pounds of mascara and eyeliner, then it’s a pretty decent look at how Carey appears with her hair down…

Oh, wait a minute. Actually, her hair was swept up too.

So, not to be undone, Demi Lovato tweeted her own fake natural look photo, along with some self-righteous blither advising other women to take off their makeup.

Now you may say that in the great scheme of things, it isn’t exactly North Korea threatening to blow us off the map.

Maybe not. But everybody knows that North Korea is a self-promoting ball of hot air.

Vulnerable young fans apparently honestly believe that Demi Lovato can look like that without makeup and a stylist…even though she reveals later that the photo is a teaser from a People magazine shoot.

That issue, due out on the 24th, will apparently feature Lovato and some other stars pretending to pose without makeup. I can hardly wait.

But how do you look at that picture and not see the lip gloss, sheer blush, and dark mascara? Or does lip gloss, blush, and mascara not count as makeup? Maybe it’s only makeup if Dolly Parton is wearing it.

I’m not always a hater, but if she’d take off about two pounds of mascara, Demi Lovato’s tweet about not wearing makeup would be a lot more convincing.

[Demi Lovato photo by Featureflash / Shutterstock.com]

Demi Lovato Tweet Says Take Off Makeup, Insults Our Intelligence is a post from: The Inquisitr

Jessica Alba Wants To Start Tackling More Serious Roles


Jessica Alba Serious Film Roles

Jessica Alba is looking to make some changes to her acting career.

Although the actress made a name for herself starring in such big-screen fare as Sin City, Fantastic Four, and Into the Blue, having kids has made her reevaluate what she wants from a project. She intends to be a bit more selective going forward.

If you’re looking to cast Jessica Alba in your next production, then you better have a character that’s worth her time. The former Dark Angel star is only interested in spending time away from her kids if the role is strong.

The actress explained to Glamour:

“When you have kids, you kind of think, I don’t need to work just to work. I want to sink my teeth into a character that makes it worth not being with my kids, or not being at the office. Having kids, having strong relationships with my husband, my friends, that it is my priority… that’s what really defines me, not a tabloid or a movie opening or a poster or an endorsement.”

Before she begins looking for roles that are a bit deeper and more complex than those she has tackled in the past, Jessica Alba can be found in no less than two upcoming Robert Rodriguez movies.

The first flick on her agenda is Machete Kills, the sequel to Rodriguez’s 2010 over-the-top action flick Machete. The R-rated endeavor finds the actress reprising her role as Sartana. The movie will open in the US on September 13.

The other Rodriguez project on-deck is the long-awaited sequel Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. The movie finds Alba portraying Nancy Callahan, a character she previously visited back in 2005. The follow-up is expected to hit theaters on October 4.

Jessica Alba Serious Movie Roles

When asked if she was business woman or an actress, Jessica Alba told the magazine that she considers herself to be both.

“As you are building your career you make certain choices, and I didn’t know how to not work, and I didn’t know how to discern what I wanted to do or not do. I was just like, bring it,” she explained.

Are you a fan of Jessica Alba? What do you think about the actress’ desire to tackle more serious roles?

[Top Image via Featureflash / Shutterstock.com]

Jessica Alba Wants To Start Tackling More Serious Roles is a post from: The Inquisitr

Robert Remini Dies At 91


Robert Remini has died

Robert Remini died on March 28 near Chicago in Evanston Hospital at the age of 91 as a result of a stroke. The award-winning historian was active almost until the end, retiring from his post as the official historian for the US House of Representatives only in 2010.

According to National Public Radio (NPR), Remini started off with a plan to write one book on 19th century president Andrew Jackson, the founder of the Democratic Party and the winner of the Battle of New Orleans. That battle has gone down in history as the one the general won after the war was already over — but it didn’t stop Jackson from being honored on the 20 dollar bill.

Communications were pretty primitive in those days, and Remini ultimately discovered so many handwritten letters and other historical documents that he went on to write 10 books just on Andrew Jackson. It probably didn’t hurt that his subject was one of the country’s most colorful presidents.

For instance, in 1829 Jackson threw open the White House to the public for the first time for an inaugural ball. The press of the day reported that people with dirty boots climbed on White House furniture to gawk at our seventh president, leading to widespread outcry about the future of mob rule.

Like all stories, it got better down the line. I remember being taught that Andrew Jackson himself worked with his dirty boots up on a White House desk.

Be that as it may, with tons of material to work with, Robert Remini ultimately wrote or co-wrote over 20 books, including a massive Jackson trilogy which received the 1984 National Book Award for the final volume.

At that, the trilogy might have turned into a four volume set if his editor hadn’t called a halt to the madness.

In his role as House historian, Remini helped legislators who wanted to cite history with some accuracy.

When Robert Remini died, the US lost a bit more of its history.

[photo courtesy Elaine Radford]

Robert Remini Dies At 91 is a post from: The Inquisitr

3-Year-Old Girl Killed By Garage Door In Maryland


3-Year-Old Accidentally Killed By Garage Door

A 3-year-old girl was recently killed by a garage door in Maryland.

Authorities said the toddler was playing with the remote control to the door while unattended. She was reportedly opening and closing the door when it suddenly crashed down on top of her.

The 3-year-old girl was soon discovered by her mother. The garage door had pinned the children to ground. She was killed as a result of the accident.

Charles County Sheriff’s officials told WUSA 9 that the little girl’s mother was inside the house at the time the incident occurred. It’s believed that the child wandered away from the woman and began playing with the buttons.

The 3-year-old was killed by the garage door when she attempted to crawl under it. When she was unable to clear the door, she became pinned beneath it.

Authorities are currently looking into whether or not sensors on the door were working when the little girl was killed. It’s believed that the 3-year-old crawled beneath the senor that would have prevented the door from closing on top of her.

Police have ruled the toddler’s death an accident. It’s believed she died from asphyxiation.

“The door came down and pinned her and ended up asphyxiating her,” Charles County Sheriff’s spokesperson Diane Richardson explained. “We’re testing them now to see if there may have been any malfunctions.”

“It’s awful, it’s terrible that something like that could happen. That should never have happened. It was a total accident. It’s just terrible,” one of the little girl’s neighbors said.

Police said the little girl was rushed to the hospital after her mother discovered her pinned beneath the garage door. Sadly, the toddler later died as a result of her injuries.

Although authorities said the 3-year-old girl was accidentally killed by the garage door, an investigation into the toddler’s death is currently ongoing.

[Image via Shutterstock]

3-Year-Old Girl Killed By Garage Door In Maryland is a post from: The Inquisitr

Chaz Ebert Remembers Late Husband Roger As ‘The Love Of My Life’


Chaz Ebert Remembers Roger

Chaz Ebert didn’t have a traditional love story with her husband of 20 years, film critic Roger Ebert.

They met later in life, marrying when he was 50 and she was 40. But they were inseparable from there on, with Chaz by Roger’s side as he battled thyroid cancer in 2002 and later had his jaw removed.

When Roger died this week, Chaz was again there.

“We were getting ready to go home today for hospice care, when he looked at us, smiled, and passed away,” Chaz Ebert said Thursday in a statement to People.com. “No struggle, no pain, just a quiet, dignified transition.”

Chaz issued a statement on the passing of her husband, saying that he was a beloved husband and stepfather to Sonia and Jay, as well as a grandfather to Raven, Emil, Mark, and Joseph.

“He fought a courageous fight,” Chaz Ebert said. “I’ve lost the love of my life and the world has lost a visionary and a creative and generous spirit who touched so many people all over the world. We had a lovely, lovely life together, more beautiful and epic than a movie. It had its highs and the lows, but was always experienced with good humor, grace and a deep abiding love for each other.

Before his death, Roger Ebert credited Chaz with helping him to continue to live more than a decade after his initial diagnosis.

“This woman never lost her love, and when it was necessary she forced me to want to live,” Ebert wrote in 2012. “She was always there believing I could do it, and her love was like a wind forcing me back from the grave.”

Roger Ebert acknowledged that the description may sound dramatic to some, but anyone who knew Chaz Ebert would understand his feelings. She visited in the hospital every day, even when he was not aware of it, and prepared Christmas and Valentine’s Day baskets for all his nurses.

Chaz Ebert Remembers Late Husband Roger As ‘The Love Of My Life’ is a post from: The Inquisitr

Travyon Martin’s Family Reaches Settlement In Wrongful Death Suit


Travyon Martin's Family Reaches Settlement

The family of slain teenager Trayvon Martin has reached a settlement in their wrongful death suit again the homeowner’s association of the sub-division where the Martin was gunned down.

Martin was just feet from the home where his father was staying when he was confronted by self-appointed neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman on February 26, 2012. Though the details of what happened next are in dispute, Martin and Zimmerman struggled and Zimmerman used a gun he was carrying to shoot and kill Martin.

Portions of the settlement were released Friday, but it did not specify how much money Trayvon Martin’s family received. The Orlando Sentinel reported that the figure is believed to be in excess of $1 million.

Experts said the settlement does not necessarily reflect a believe that the homeowner’s association is guilty, but rather that it was more economical for it to settle the case.

“When claims are filed, they’re filed against anybody who could possibly have any culpability,” said Robert Taylor, founding partner of Taylor & Carls P.A., a law firm that represents homeowner associations but isn’t working with the Retreat at Twin Lakes.

Taylor told the Orlando Sentinel that Martin family must have concluded that the homeowner’s association had some connection.

“It’s really nothing more than a risk-versus-reward analysis,” Taylor added.

The case captured the national attention when the Sanford Police Department wavered on whether to charge Zimmerman in the case. Zimmerman had claimed that he shot Martin in self-defense under the state’s “stand your ground” law, but critics believed that there were racial motivations in both Zimmerman’s targeting of Martin and the department’s delayed decision in charging him.

Zimmerman was eventually charged with second-degree murder and is now awaiting trial.

The Trayvon Martin settlement stated that George Zimmerman is not part of the agreement. Lawyers representing Martin’s family said they still plan to file a separate civil suit against Zimmerman.

Travyon Martin’s Family Reaches Settlement In Wrongful Death Suit is a post from: The Inquisitr

Hulu $500 Million Bid Rumored


A $500 million Hulu bid is rumored

A $500 million Hulu bid? That’s the rumor flying around the business community, after a Reuters report based on the claims of two unidentified persons that reporters Ronald Grover and Jennifer Saba described as “two sources with knowledge of Hulu’s sale process.” According to that claim, Peter Chernin, a co-founder and former board member of the online streaming service, has submitted the bid — which could go even higher based on additional considerations like extra content rights.

At the moment, Hulu has two controlling owners, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. and Walt Disney Co. Alleged $500 million Hulu bidder Chernin is also a former News Corp. president who left that job in 2009 to form his own media company, Chernin Group, which invests in TV and other media in the US and Asia.

Many of us might know Peter Chernin better as the producer of the 2011 hit movie, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which was the first feature produced by the Chernin Group — less than three years after his departure from News Corp. That film opened with a triumph when it raked in a mind-boggling $54 million on its debut weekend, probably thanks in no small part to the dazzling special effects which made the apes look very, very real.

Hulu itself isn’t an overnight success, but it’s certainly a rising star.

Although still a distant runner-up to competitor Netflix, it continues to grow rapidly. In Jan. 2012, Hulu reported almost 1.2 paying subscribers. They now have more than 3 million. Last year’s revenues were $700 million.

It isn’t the first time that Hulu has sought a buyer. A rumored Google bid in 2011 went nowhere.

However, for the moment, nobody’s talking for the record — not Disney, not News Corp., not Hulu, and not Chernin. According to Reuters, that’s because the bidding is private, not public.

Only time will tell if the rumored $500 million Hulu bid is the real deal.

[photo Peter Chernin, rumored Hulu bidder, by Joe Seer / Shutterstock.com]

Hulu $500 Million Bid Rumored is a post from: The Inquisitr

‘Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate’ Demand Far Exceeding Supply


Monster Hunter 3 Ulitmate hugely popular

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has been so popular since it hit store shelves that most people cannot find it on their local store shelves anymore. The exclusive Nintendo release, for both the 3DS and the Wii U has been so popular that Nintendo has actually had to release an apology for not having enough copies available.

The game has actually been credited for having a large role in the rebounding of sales figures for the Wii U which has had disappointing numbers since it hit the market.

Whatever the reason for the company being off on what they thought the game would do sales wise, the company has to be happy that it has had such brisk sales numbers.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will have a new stock next week for the Wii U and it seems likely that this time Nintendo won’t be releasing so few copies that they have to apologize again.

The 3DS version of the game will also be back on store shelves in Mid-April. The company has been doing damage control mainly because it simply can’t run into another nightmare where its fans start to lose faith that it knows what its doing.

Instead, Nintendo would like to be able to actually take advantage of one of their games being so popular, bu it is hard to do that if you are having to say you are sorry that you don’t have enough copies available for everyone who wants them.

While the company went through a modest advertising campaign, its safe to say they simply didn’t expect a game that had a following only among those who favored their consoles to sell quite this well.

That is just the latest good news for a company that has been looking for good news since the Holiday shopping season last year.

Were you able to get a copy of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate?

‘Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate’ Demand Far Exceeding Supply is a post from: The Inquisitr

Flash Mob Shocks Dutch Shoppers By Recreating Rembrant Painting


Flash Mob Shocks Dutch Shoppers By Recreating Rembrant Painting

A flash mob shocked shoppers at a Dutch mall when a throng of people dressed in 17th century garb suddenly appeared, positioning themselves to recreate a classic painting.

The Dutch flashmob struck a shopping center in the southern city of Breda, shocking shoppers when they recreated the Rembrant painting “The Night Watch.”

They picked a particularly apt painting to recreate. Flash mobs have turned into a large-scale form of performance art, with scenes sometimes involving hundreds of participants. The ease of the internet and social network have allowed organizers to turn flash mobs into giant meetings of strangers to act out a performance or dance.

“The Night Watch” too is known for its massive size. Painted on a canvas that’s close to 12 feet by 14 feet, the painting was one of the classics of the Dutch Golden Age of art.

The flash mob that shocked the Dutch shoppers all wore the traditional 17th century garb that the people depicted in the painting wear. Completed in in 1642, “The Night Watch” depicts Captain Frans Banning Cocq and his lieutenant, Willem van Ruytenburch, leading out their city guard.

The flash mob participants had a hasty retreated of their own. The scene started with a theft alarm ringing in the mall, drawing the attention of worried shoppers. They turned to find a man who looked like he just got out of a time machine running away.

The man then joined others who rappelled down from the ceiling on ropes, and together they jumped over a railing to join men awaiting them on horses.

The flashmob made its way past shoppers to assemble in an open area in the shopping center, where one-by-one they came together to recreate “The Night Watch.” After the flash mob shocked the shoppers, a large frame dropped from the ceiling to freeze the iconic painting..

Flash Mob Shocks Dutch Shoppers By Recreating Rembrant Painting is a post from: The Inquisitr

‘Remember Me’ New Trailer Shows Off Freaky Looking Enemies [Video]


Remember Me releases new trailer

Remember Me has a new trailer that focuses on the huge array of freaky looking enemies that are featured in the game. The video shows the main character, a woman named Nillin facing off against mutants, robots and even a wrestler.

The game is set in the future world of 2084 where memories and emotions are bought and sold in the open market. Nillin is a cop who has actually had her memories stolen from her.

The game follows her around as she fights a wide variety of different villains, and shedding more light on why the world is the way it is in this future. In the end, the female lead will need to come face to face with the corporation that is leading the trading of memories business.

Remember Me has gotten quite a bit of press because there simply aren’t that many new games that feature female heroes these days. Tomb Raider was recently rebooted, but you could hardly call Lara Croft a new character.

Mirror’s Edge is the only game I can think of off the top of my head that was a major release and had a female lead. That game has now apparently gone the way of the dinosaur.

The Capcom produced game has been developed by the French company Dontnod Studios. That would apparently be the reason why the game is set in Neo-Paris.

Despite Dontnod being a fairly new company, they have plenty of heavy hitters on staff including former devs from Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six and Heavy Rain.

The game is going to be made available on the PC, the Xbox 360 and the PS 3 on June 4 in the United States and three days later in Europe. At the moment there is no mention of this game being ported to the Wii U.

What do you think of Remember Me having a woman in the starring role?

‘Remember Me’ New Trailer Shows Off Freaky Looking Enemies [Video] is a post from: The Inquisitr

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