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West Virginia Pharmacist Don Radcliff Shoots And Kills Armed Robber With Concealed Carry Weapon [Video]



Police in West Virginia have released footage showing the moment a pharmacist working at a store shot and killed an armed robber who pulled a gun on employees and demanded money.

Defending himself, fellow employees, and about eight customers at the Good Family Pharmacy at 242 North Pinch Road, W.Va., Don Radcliff killed the armed robber, identified as Terry Gillenwater, 25, who attempted to rob the store on Wednesday, according to WCHS-TV.

Gillenwater reportedly walked into the pharmacy while an employee handled cash at the register.

Pharmacist Shoots Armed Robber

West Virginia Pharmacist Shoots And Kills Armed Robber

Surveillance camera shows the masked robber walking into the Good Family Pharmacy at about 9:45 a.m. on Wednesday, standing in line while another customer paid for goods purchased. He then stepped forward to the counter, pulled out a gun, pointed it at employees, and demanded money.

Radcliff, who was armed with a conceal and carry permit weapon, had just joked that Gillenwater might have come to rob the store.

According to Wvgazette, Good Family Pharmacy employee Chris Monk said that when the masked man entered the store, Radcliff pointed at him and “joked,” saying, “Are you here to rob me?”

The suspect responded by pulling out a handgun.

Armed Robber

Armed Robber Is Hit, Stumbles And Tries To Escape

Surveillance video from Good Family Pharmacy released by Kanahwa County Sheriff’s Department shows Radcliff pulling out a gun from under his white pharmacy coat after Gillenwater had pulled out his gun.

As Gillenwater raised his gun to demand money, Radcliff, who was standing only a few feet away, fired quick and accurate shots at the robber. The first shot hit the robber in the chest.

When the robber attempted to shoot, Radcliff shot him once more. This time, the bullet hit the suspect’s gun. When he turned on his heels and attempted to escape, Radcliff fired a third shot which hit the suspect in the abdomen and brought him down.

The courage, speed, and accuracy of the pharmacist, faced with an armed man, was remarkable.

Assisted by an intern, he administered first aid, but Gillenwater died on the way to the hospital, according to WOWK-TV.

An employee said that as Radcliff tried to stop the bleeding from Gillenwater’s chest, he said, “Why did you make me do this? I didn’t mean to do this.”


Pharmacist Shoots As Armed Robber Flees

The pharmacy continued to serve customers after the incident while employees cleared up glass from the broken window.

According to an employee, “There was no blood, just glass.”

The owner of the pharmacy, Patrick Good, arrived soon after and allowed Radcliff to go home for the day. Good said Radcliff was upset to learn that the robber had died. But he was thankful that he was able to protect himself and co-workers.

“I’m glad that God put me in a situation that I was able to do what I did. I have no other words other than to thank God. I did what I thought I had to do.”

Don Radcliff

Mr. Don Radcliff (Facebook)

Good said that was the first time the pharmacy has been robbed and that he had always encouraged employees to be prepared.

“You can’t just be passive when people come in trying to rob you. I mean, you work all of your life for stuff like this, and you can’t just let someone take it away from you. You’re always prepared. We carry all the time. You always have that in the back of your mind. You just hope and pray that you never have to act on it.”

Radcliff returned to work on Thursday. He told WCHS-TV that he took no joy in shooting a man and that he did not consider his action heroic. He said he received spiritual support from a Bible passage he read as part of his daily devotion. He read from the daily devotion in the interview with WCHS-TV.

“Thursday, February 19th, John 10, 7 to 18: ‘A thief comes only to steal and to kill and destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance.’ That’s verse 10. Abundance isn’t God’s provision for me to live in luxury; it’s his provision for me to help others live.

“So many times when I read this daily devotional it’s exactly what I need to hear. And today it was what I needed to hear.”

Don And Dixie

Don Radcliff And His Wife Dixie(Facebook)

Radcliff’s wife, Dixie, said the experience was traumatic and that the family was struggling to recover from it.

[Images: YouTube/Kanawha County Sheriff’s Department; Facebook]

West Virginia Pharmacist Don Radcliff Shoots And Kills Armed Robber With Concealed Carry Weapon [Video] is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Drunken Argument: Boyfriend Complains Girlfriend Is Needy, Girlfriend Attempts To Bite His Penis Off



A drunken argument between a man and woman in Tulsa, Oklahoma, took a cringe-worthy turn when the woman attempted to bite off her boyfriend’s penis.

The verbal skirmish apparently started on their way home from a night of drinking when the boyfriend complained that she had become too needy. The verbal assault continued in their apartment, where the boyfriend eventually fell asleep. In order to retaliate against the boyfriend’s remarks, the woman decided to punish him by biting off his penis while he slept. The man was treated for his injuries, which were not considered life threatening, and the woman was taken into police custody for the assault.

According to CBS Houston, Amber Ellis was named as the assailant in the case, and the victim’s name was not revealed. The police report shared that the verbal argument had gotten out of control and Ellis retreated to her room, slamming the door behind her, in order to be alone. The victim decided to sleep off his intoxication on the couch. However, police stated that the skirmish did not end there. Instead, the man woke up suddenly to the excruciating pain of Ellis attempting to bite his penis off.

The boyfriend attempted to fight Ellis off and prevent further damage to his penis. However, Ellis retaliated by hitting him in the head with a nearby laptop computer. The man was eventually able to free himself from Ellis’ assault and call the police.

Metro reported that the police arrived and Ellis was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and maiming. She is currently in jail awaiting a meeting with the judge.

The boyfriend was taken to the hospital for treatment. He received multiple stitches to the base of his penis and was treated for multiple injuries to his face, head, neck, knee, and fingers. He is expected to fully recover from the attack.

Amber Ellis did not reveal why she decided on such an extreme punishment toward her boyfriend. Details of their argument were not revealed, other than him saying that she had become “too needy.”

Although the incident did not become as severe as the John Wayne Bobbitt assault, the effect of alcohol on the argument did coerce the situation to escalate too far. There is not confirmation whether the couple will attempt to reconcile their differences or simply move on with their lives.

[Photo Courtesy: Metro U.K.]

Drunken Argument: Boyfriend Complains Girlfriend Is Needy, Girlfriend Attempts To Bite His Penis Off is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Rafael Nadal Upset At 3:21 A.M. Ending For Rio Open Quarterfinal Match


Rafael Nadal Upset At 3:21 A.M. Ending For Rio Open Match

Rafael Nadal isn’t too happy about his early morning defeat of No. 6 Pablo Cuevas in the Rio Open.

The top-seeded Nadal was able to outlast Cuevas to reach the semifinals, but didn’t close out the match until 3:21 in the morning local time on Saturday. Organizers at the Rio Open had scheduled all of the top five matches on center court, and with all of them going three sets, it pushed the final match to more than 14 hours after play started.

The long match means that Rafael Nadal only has about 16 hours to rest before facing No. 4 Fabio Fogini in the semifinals, though it will be something of a level playing field. Fogini himself just played a long match, defeating Federico Delbonis 6-4, 6-7 (10), 7-6 (9).

After the match, Nadal spoke out against the late start time and even later finish to his quarterfinal match.

“No tennis tournament should end at this time,” he said. “It’s tough for the players, but maybe worse for the fans. It very bad on the part of the ATP. It’s not the tournament’s fault. It was the ATP that didn’t want to reschedule a match. If it’s a Grand Slam you have a day to rest. It seems like a terrible error to me.”

Rafael Nadal said he was happy with the victory over Cuevas, especially given the conditions.

“Tough conditions, a difficult, young opponent and I’m just content to be in the quarterfinals,” Nadal said. “For me every victory is important, and even more so on clay.”

But more than anything, he was tired.

“I am going to go off to bed and we’ll see if I have recovered,” he said.

The late finish wasn’t the only thing on reporters’ minds. Many commentators noted that Rafael Nadal had a slimmer look, but the Spaniard said nothing was different.

“I am not thinner,” he said. “For six years my weight has been practically the same, always between 85 and 86 ½ kilos (188-190 pounds). Before I used to play with sleeveless shirts. This makes the muscles seem like more.”

Rafael Nadal will take on Fabio Fogini on Saturday, with the match likely to start in the evening.

[Image via AP]

Rafael Nadal Upset At 3:21 A.M. Ending For Rio Open Quarterfinal Match is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Slim, Sassy Sarah Ferguson Flaunts 55-Pound Weight Loss At Naomi Campbell Fashion Show — Here’s How [Video]


Sarah Ferguson weight loss.

Yes, that’s the Duchess of York Sarah Ferguson looking sleek and sassy as she saunters down the runway at a fashion show after a 55-pound weight loss. Just how did Sarah achieve her goals? She’s revealing all her slim secrets, reported Hello magazine.

Although she’s proud of her weight loss success, the Duchess of York isn’t seeking to become a supermodel. Instead, the 55-year-old mother of Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice donated her strutting skills for Fashion for Relief.

Supermodel Naomi Campbell created the charity organization, and Sarah was joined by Beatrice in previous years to help the cause. But this occasion marks the first time that the Duchess of York feels she’s finally conquered her weight loss wars.

So how and why did she lose the weight? Sarah considered herself a food addict and resolved to beat that addiction, according to E! News.

“I got to a point where I just couldn’t bare looking at myself any minute longer. I was 190 pounds a year ago and I was miserable. You look at the top of the mountain, you think you’re never going to get there.”

And the Duchess of York is candid about just how real her battle with food had become.

“I’ve been a comfort eater since I was about 12 years old and I used food as my friend,” she said. “In fact, the size of my a** probably saved my life. Sorry, to speak like that, but let’s be honest. Had I not just chosen food as my friend, I would have chosen something else.”

Sarah admits that media reports often hurt her.

“I mean a lot of people turn to shopping, alcohol, smoking, any other addiction. My addiction was food. I used it to suppress my feelings and therefore every time I went through something — a salacious lie the media might tell about me — I ate to compensate.”

To lose that weight, the Duchess focused on good nutrition, she now says. She relied on blender-style concoctions to make it easier to get the nutrients from whole foods.

And Sarah isn’t the only celebrity Brit to rely on back-to-basics diets for weight loss. As the Inquisitr reported, Kate Middleton’s sister, Pippi Middleton, also avoids crash diets and fad weight loss plans. Instead, she follows a basic low-carb diet.

“I’ve never done Dukan, attempted Atkins, or exercised religiously seven days a week, but I do believe in making healthy choices — keeping refined carbs such as white bread and pasta to a minimum, and sticking to sensible portion sizes.”

[Image via E! Online]

Slim, Sassy Sarah Ferguson Flaunts 55-Pound Weight Loss At Naomi Campbell Fashion Show — Here’s How [Video] is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Angela Alexie: Baby Left To Die Because She Didn’t Know Who The Father Was


Alexie allegedly didn't bring the child to authorities because she was embarrassed that she didn't know who its father was.

Angela Alexie, the mother who is charged with leaving her 2-day-old son to freeze to death in a friend’s garage before disposing of his body with their recycling, has claimed she was too embarrassed to take the child to authorities because she didn’t know who his father was.

Alexie gave birth to the baby on December 22, 2014 in an Eastpointe, Michigan, garage, allegedly cutting the umbilical cord with her teeth. Wrapping him in a blanket, prosecutors claim that Alexie left the baby in the garage with the windows open, checking on him every two hours while she remained sheltered from the cold inside. Though she attempted to breastfeed, the baby didn’t eat and died on December 25. On that date, Alexie posted “RIP Baby” on Facebook, a statement she now asserts referred to another child.

In court, Alexie claimed that she didn’t have the will to take the child to authorities since she was embarrassed at not knowing the identity of the father. Alexie, 24, has three other children, who are all in foster care, and has since said she concealed the pregnancy from her boyfriend, pretending to miscarry.

Cyndee Johnson, the worker at ReCommunity Recycling who discovered the baby’s body on January 14, also testified in court, describing the child as blue, covered in snow, and curled up as if seeking warmth.

“When I first saw, it scared me. I jumped back. I moved back. I realized this was an actual baby. It just grabbed my heart. I knew something wasn’t right. I said, ‘That’s a real baby. Stop the line! Stop the line!'”

Amy Lesniak, who is caring for two of Alexie’s children, attested that she believed Angela was pregnant as she began to miss visits, complaining of illness. When authorities released an appeal to find the deceased baby’s mother, Lesniak contacted them and asserted her belief that the child could be Alexie’s.

Macomb County Assistant Prosecutor Bill Cataldo asserted that Alexie made no attempt to preserve the baby’s life, despite repeated opportunities to do so.

“She did nothing. She let that child freeze to death,” he claimed. “He died when there were a number of ways to save him.”

The community in Macomb has joined together to provide a funeral and burial ceremony for the child after Angela Alexie waived her rights to inter the baby.

[Image: AP via the Daily Mail]

Angela Alexie: Baby Left To Die Because She Didn’t Know Who The Father Was is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Petition For The Pardon Of 49,000 Prosecuted Gay Men Gains Huge Support, Backed By Benedict Cumberbatch



The star of The Imitation Game, Benedict Cumberbatch, has thrown his weight behind a petition calling for the U.K. government to pardon an estimated 49,000 gay men convicted of gross indecency under anti-gay laws — and his support has helped gain the campaign almost half a million signatures.

Cumberbatch has become synonymous with the campaign in recent months, having played the role of Alan Turing in the Oscar-nominated movie by Morten Tyldum. But, in raising the profile of the man who broke the Enigma Code, the plight of the remaining convicted men has become even more apparent, as reported by the Independent.

Alan Turing was a pioneer in the field of computer science, using his skills to help bring a swifter end to World War II and pave the way for generations of computer scientists to follow him. Despite this heroic reputation, however, he was convicted in 1952 of the crime of “gross indecency” because he was gay. Turing later had to choose between a term of imprisonment or chemical castration. While Turing opted for chemical castration, tens of thousands of other gay men were forced to make their own choices, leaving a permanent stain on their lives.

Turing died in 1954 — allegedly by his own hand — but was posthumously pardoned in 2013. The petition, created by Matthew Breen, asks that each of the other individuals convicted under the same law, including an estimated 15,000 that are still alive, be afforded the same justice.

According to Matthew Breen’s own article, featured on the Huffington Post, Benedict Cumberbatch brands the actions of the U.K. government to date “deplorable” and believes the time for addressing the issue is overdue.

“Alan Turing was not only prosecuted, but was quite arguably persuaded to end his own life early, by a society who called him a criminal for simply seeking out the love he deserved, as all human beings do. Sixty years later, that same government claimed to ‘forgive’ him by pardoning him. I find this deplorable, because Turing’s actions did not warrant ‘forgiveness’ – theirs did – and the 49,000 other prosecuted men deserve the same.”

Gaystar News reports that Matthew Breen has outlined the lasting impact these historic convictions continue to have.

“Each of these 49,000 men deserves the justice and acknowledgement from the British government that this intolerant law brought not only unwanted shame, but horrific physical and mental damage and lost years of wrongful imprisonment to these men.

“We have incredible momentum right now with the growing chorus of people worldwide calling on the British government to act. The perfect opportunity to right these wrongs is now, ahead of the one-year anniversary of marriage equality in the U.K. on 29th March.”

Attention was drawn to the petition when Benedict Cumberbatch signed an open letter, printed in the Guardian, calling for the official pardons. He has been joined in his support of the campaign by his Imitation Game cast and crew, including Keira Knightley and Matthew Goode, as well as other such high profile names as Matt Damon, Jessica Alba, and James Corden. Stephen Fry, who recently celebrated his own marriage, has also wielded his considerable influence in support of the campaign.

[Image: Anthony Harvey/Getty Images]

Petition For The Pardon Of 49,000 Prosecuted Gay Men Gains Huge Support, Backed By Benedict Cumberbatch is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Miley Cyrus, Patrick Schwarzenegger Clean Up For Tom Ford, Join JLo, Nicole Richie And More At Runway Show


Miley and Patrick

Miley Cyrus and Patrick Schwarzenegger were out and about together in Los Angeles, and showed off some major PDA as they watched Tom Ford’s runway show on Friday Night. According to Hollywood Life, Miley and her beau “couldn’t keep their hands off each other” at the show. They sat cuddled up close, Patrick keeping his arm around Miley at all times.

“Miley was leaned in as Patrick kept his arm around her waist, and their hands were clasped together in his lap. Even her crossed legs were touching Patrick’s, which proves that not a single part of their bodies weren’t mashed together during this show,” reports Hollywood Life.

Miley Cyrus and Patrick Schwarzenegger weren’t the only two celebrities at the runway show, either. According to Mail Online, A-listers like Jennifer Lopez and Nicole Richie were also in attendance, and all were wearing some of Ford’s hottest looks. Fashion was clearly the focus of the evening, which took place at Milk Studios.

Richie, 33, wore a long-sleeved, see-through leopard-print gown, which was quite revealing. Lopez, 45, wore a super-short bodycon number that was completely embellished. Meanwhile Cyrus, 22, wore a black vintage-inspired lace gown with a leotard bodice — not too far from what you’d expect from the Wrecking Ball singer. All of the women turned heads for obvious reasons.

Miley Cyrus and Patrick Schwarzenegger weren’t the only couple sitting next to the runway. As you can see from the photo above, Scarlett Johansson and her husband Romain Dauriac were also looking on from the front row. Beyonce and Jay-Z were also photographed at the event. It’s clear that Tom Ford brings out the biggest names in Hollywood.

JLo and Nicole Richie appeared to be at the event solo. Although there have been rumors that Lopez is dating Casper Smart again, she has denied them according to the Inquisitr. Meanwhile, Richie’s husband, Joel Madden, may have stayed home with the kids.

[Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images]

Miley Cyrus, Patrick Schwarzenegger Clean Up For Tom Ford, Join JLo, Nicole Richie And More At Runway Show is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Ahmad Givens, Dead: ‘I Love New York,’ ‘Real Chance Of Love’ Star Dies Of Cancer



Ahmad Givens, best known as ‘Real’ on Vh1’s Real Chance Of Love and I Love New York, is dead. TMZ reports today that Givens, aka ‘Real,’ died after a long battle with cancer. He was just 35 years old. The funny former VH1 star was originally diagnosed with colon cancer, which had already progressed to stage 4 by the time he had learned of the disease in 2013. He announced to the world that he was going to beat it and fight the cancer every step of the way.

His brother Chance was the one who made the sad announcement about his beloved brother.

“I’ll see you one day soon we shall dance again in God’s kingdom forever and ever bro words can’t describe my pain world pray for me!”

It seemed that Givens was on his way to beating it until doctors confirmed that his cancer had returned. The situation was made worse after he took a fall, Given’s brother Chance told TMZ.

Today the world mourns over the loss as he is remembered as one of the most entertaining and funniest guys on the shows, alongside his brother Chance. The camaraderie between the two, and the way both Chance and Real interacted with the ladies on the show, made for great entertainment. Even today, fans remember how much they enjoyed watching the brothers on 2007’s I love New York and 2008’s Real Chance Of Love, according to The Internet Movie Database (IMDB). Here is how some fans are responding to news of his untimely death.

“Oh no! He fought a long time! Rest in Peace!!!!

“Maybe now he has as real Chance at heaven!!! R.I.P.

“Rip My condolences goes out to his family

“I liked those two him and his brother were cool Rip”

“Rest In Peace Chance.. So sad.. Hope God shields his family with comfort.. Such a sad thing! I hate cancer man!!!!

Please check back as we update this story with funeral and memorial details.

[Photo by Tibrina Hobson/Getty Image]

Ahmad Givens, Dead: ‘I Love New York,’ ‘Real Chance Of Love’ Star Dies Of Cancer is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Couple Arrested For Beating Boy: Made Him To Stand In A Corner For Weeks, Beating Him Each Time He Moved


Amanda Ramirez - Anthony Berardi

An 11-year-old boy reportedly suffered weeks of torture at the hands of his mother, Amanda Ramirez, 29 and her boyfriend Anthony Berardi, 28. According to KSL, the child was allegedly forced to stand in a corner for weeks between October and November of last year. Each time he moved, he was beaten.

Court records indicate Ramirez and Berardi forced the little boy to stay in the corner for several weeks. He was only allowed to take bathroom breaks, eat dinner, and go to bed. Otherwise, if he moved he was beaten with a belt or punched in the head. The boy reportedly informed investigators that one night Berardi hit 51 times with a belt and his mother did nothing to prevent or stop the vicious assault.

The boy’s biological father, Anthony Hathaway, recently spoke with Good 4 Utah about the abuse. He revealed his 11-year-old son wasn’t the only child to suffer abuse at the hands of Ramirez and Berardi. He and Ramirez also have two other children together. Unfortunately, all three children have suffered some form of abuse from their mother and her boyfriend.

“I had gotten into an argument with Amanda and Anthony Berrardi about him touching my kids and then two weeks later I picked them up and that’s when my son was telling me he had the bruise,” said Hathaway. “From what my son told me, his mom knew about it. Since about February of last year.” He continued, “Him throwing tennis balls at the back of their heads, empty pill bottles, standing in the corner.” Hathaway also explained how Ramirez would respond when questioned about the bruises on their son. “She tried to say the bruise on my son was from him getting hurt at school.”

However, she reportedly had a different explanation for local authorities. She actually justified their actions in the probable cause statement she gave police.

“We are both enforcing my rules,” Ramirez said.

Ramirez and Berardi are currently being held at the Salt Lake County Jail. Both have been charged with 10 counts of child abuse.

[Image via Salt Lake County Jail]

Couple Arrested For Beating Boy: Made Him To Stand In A Corner For Weeks, Beating Him Each Time He Moved is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Yemen: Former President Flees House Arrest


Yemen President Captive in coup attempt

Yemen’s former President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi escaped weeks of house arrest by the Houthi militia at his official residence on Saturday and fled to his home town of Aden, according to several reports.

Houthi’s official status since quitting last month in protest at the Houthis overrunning the presidential palace and his private residence remains unclear because his resignation was never formally accepted by the parliament. The Houthis, who said they were taken unaware by his flight from the capital, have now called an urgent meeting of the cabinet in Sanaa’s presidential palace, a government official has said.

Ali al-Qahoum, a member of the Houthis, said that it no longer mattered if the ex-leader remained stayed or left as his group entered a power agreement with rival factions yesterday that was overseen by the United Nations. Hadi – who was appointed president three years ago – was assisted by the UN to make the journey back home, al-Qahoum added.

Meanwhile, Houthi militiamen led by Abdel-Malek al-Houthi opened fire on protesters in the central city of Ibb and killed one person and wounded another earlier today. The crowd had gathered in a square to demonstrate against the Houthis’ role in overturning the government last month. Another protest took place after the shooting.

Hadi fled his residence in disguise, Houthi politburo member Ali al-Qahoum was quoted as saying by the local news website al-Akhbar. But it added that it no longer mattered if the former president remained there or departed. Hadi’s Sanaa residence was looted by Houthi militiamen after he left, witnesses said, but that was denied by Qahoum. The former president arrived at his home in the Aden district of Khormaksar, sources told Reuters.

Early on Saturday, Houthi militiamen opened fire on protesters in the central city of Ibb, killing one person and wounding another, activists said. The crowd had gathered in a square to demonstrate against the Houthis’ role in overturning the government last month. Following the shooting, thousands more people took to the streets in protest. Witnesses said the Houthis were deploying more security forces in response.

Late on Friday a drone destroyed a car carrying suspected members of AQAP in Shawbwa Province, a bastion of the militant group in the rugged mountains of southern Yemen, killing at least three people, residents said. The United States has acknowledged it carries out drone strikes against militant targets in Yemen but does not comment on specific attacks. The strikes, which have sometimes killed civilians, have angered many people in the country.

[Image via Twitter]

Yemen: Former President Flees House Arrest is an article from: The Inquisitr News

2,000 Pipe-Wielding Texas Inmates Take Control Of Prison After Refusing To Do Work, Set Mulitple Fires


James Kidd: Injured Gulf War Vet Sentenced To 10 Years --- For Selling A Single Pill

Approximately 2,000 inmates at Willacy County Correctional Center seized control of a portion of the prison after refusing to work. The inmate uprising began as a protest to the current state of their medical services. The inmates brandished pipes while taking control of three of the 10 housing facilities. The inmates then set fire to the units. As of Saturday night, police have still not regained control of the entire prison facility.

My San Antonio reports that about 2,000 federal inmates became “disruptive” during breakfast. The prisoners refused to leave their housing units and attend breakfast. The disruption caused the housing units to be placed on lock down. However, inmates began breaking out of the units and took control of three of the 10 housing tents.

The inmates behavior was in protest of the current state of Willacy County Correctional Center’s medical services. Inmates say they are unhappy with the services provided, and that their medical concerns were routinely ignored by staff. Inmates say it often took weeks to see a health care provider and were many times denied emergency care. The group says that “corners are often cut” when it comes to their health care services.

The Associated Press notes that Brian McGiverin, a prisoners’ rights attorney with the Texas Civil Rights Project, is not surprised by the uprising in the prison over medical care. He claims that medical services in prisons are grossly underfunded and are “pretty abysmal.”

“It’s pretty abysmal with regard to modern standards how people should be treated, pretty much anywhere you go.”

According to the Daily Mail, the prison inmates were able to gain control of portions of the prison by using pipes as weapons. They also set multiple small fires that damaged some of the housing units. The prison says that roughly 2,800 inmates will be moved to other facilities due to the damage. As far as injuries, the police are using non-lethal force in an attempts to quell the protests. However, two officers and three to five inmates received minor injuries during the violent protest.

As of yesterday night, police still did not have full control of the prison facility. Ed Ross, a spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, says that inmates are “compliant” but notes that negotiations with the prisoners are ongoing in an attempt to “regain full control” of the facility.

“The situation is not resolved, though we’re moving toward a peaceful resolution.”

My San Antonio notes that the majority of the inmates in Willacy County Correctional were charged with “either with illegally re-entering the country or with nonviolent drug crimes.”

The Inquisitr previously reported on a prison break in Brazil that happened after a group of scantily clad women entered the prison and seduced the wardens.

What do you think of the inmates ability to take control of the prison? Should the U.S. Bureau of Prisons negotiate with the inmates after the violent protest? What should be done about medical care within the prison system?

2,000 Pipe-Wielding Texas Inmates Take Control Of Prison After Refusing To Do Work, Set Mulitple Fires is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Shark Attack Capital Of The U.S. In 2014 Was — Florida! But Fatal Attacks Drop Sharply Worldwide


Shark attack capital Florida

Shark attack statistics for 2014 were released last week, revealing that the most dangerous state in the U.S. when it comes to shark-human encounters was Florida. But overall, fatal shark attacks dropped sharply worldwide, and the total number of shark attacks against humans was down by a tick.

But researchers at the University of Florida say that even though the total number of shark attacks recorded around the globe last year was just 72, compared to 75 in 2013, the long-term trend of increasing numbers of shark attacks appears unlikely to reverse anytime soon.

“I am willing to predict that there will be more attacks in the second decade of this century than there were in the first,” said George Burgess, who manages shark attack data at the University of Florida’s natural history museum.

The University of Florida in Gainesville compiles an annual report, recording every reported shark attack anywhere in the world. In its report, the university highlights only “unprovoked” shark attacks, excluding those in which the shark has been hooked by fishermen or otherwise “provoked” by humans before attacking.

The upward trend in shark attack numbers, despite the slight drop in 2014, is not the result of any kind of increased aggressiveness on the part of the sharks, the researchers say, but instead is the result of human beings spending more of their time in the shark’s natural habitat — the ocean.

As human beings devote more time to water-related recreational activities, such as surfing and other aquatic sports, the more likely they are to come in contact with the ocean’s permanent residents — sharks.

Australia led the world in fatal shark attacks in 2014 with two. But around the world, only one other person was killed by a shark, in an attack that occurred off the coast of South Africa. The three fatalities were less than half of the 6.3 annual fatalities that have occurred on average for the past decade.

In addition to the two fatalities, 11 others were injured by shark attacks in Australia last year.

Sadly, Australia has already recorded its first fatal shark attack of 2015, when Japanese surfer Tadashi Nakahara was killed by a shark on the morning of February 9.

While Florida did not experience a fatal attack in 2014, the state continued its run as the United States leader in shark attacks with 28. Second-place Hawaii recorded just seven.

According to the University of Florida statistics, California recorded four shark attacks last year, but a report by the nonprofit, west coast-based Shark Research Committee put the number of California attacks at six. The difference may have resulted from varying definitions of what constitutes an “unprovoked” shark attack.

[Image: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images]

Shark Attack Capital Of The U.S. In 2014 Was — Florida! But Fatal Attacks Drop Sharply Worldwide is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Jack Osbourne Expecting Second Baby: Thrilled Grandma Sharon Osbourne Reveals His Multiple Sclerosis [Video]


Jack Osbourne expecting second baby.

Jack Osbourne is proud to become a papa for the second time. The son of Sharon Osbourne and the legendary Ozzie is expecting his second child with wife, Lisa, and the two are tickled pink (especially if it’s a girl), reported People.

With her first daughter, Pearl Clementine, now 2-and-a-half years old, Lisa posted her excitement on her blog.

“I’m pregnant! Pearl is very happy to become a big sister. She diligently reads her ‘I’m a big sister’ books every night & recites to me her plans of bathing, feeding, singing to, and holding the baby. We are more than halfway through this thing & are very excited to be parents again! Thanks for all the well wishes.”

Why did the happy couple wait so long to announce this second pregnancy? After marrying in 2012, Lisa had a late-term miscarriage in 2013. The two also have struggled to cope with Jack’s relapses from multiple sclerosis.

“The best has been Pearl hitting these major milestones from crawling to walking to talking,” said Jack as he reflected on their married life. “That’s been really enjoyable for me to come home to after work.”

As for the future, thrilled grandma Sharon is anticipating even more children.

“[Jack] wants about five kids and Lisa comes from a big family, too. They both want to have a whole brood,” she said.

But although she’s excited about grandchildren, Osbourne has repeatedly broken down while talking about her son’s diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, including her initial revelations in 2012, reported the New York Daily News.

Sharon even blamed herself.

“I keep thinking, ‘What did I do wrong? What did I eat or drink when I was pregnant?’ I feel like it’s somehow my fault.”

But Osbourne pulled herself together subsequently to discuss her appreciation for the positive wishes on The Talk.

“He’s doing really, really good and I want to thank everyone for all their texts and goodwill and love they send to us,” declared Sharon. “And what I’m doing right now is not helping because I’m just feeling sorry for myself, and that is no good.”

Jack received his diagnosis after losing 60 percent of his vision in one eye, and that is symptomatic of the condition, according to Dr. Fred Lublin, director of the Corinne Goldsmith Dickinson Center for Multiple Sclerosis at Mount Sinai Medical Center.

No known cure exists for the disease, which causes chronic inflammation of the brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord. However, early diagnosis can help, with medications available to mitigate relapses.

In addition, as the Inquisitr reported, Dr. David Perlmutter, author of Grain Brain, cites a link between diet and inflammation.

“Inflammation, is actually a pivotal player in such diverse brain conditions as Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and even autism…You’ve got to do everything possible to reduce inflammation. And that means a diet rich in inflammation-reducing foods like healthful fats, minimal in carbohydrates and strictly gluten-restricted.”

[Image Via dailymail.co.uk]

Jack Osbourne Expecting Second Baby: Thrilled Grandma Sharon Osbourne Reveals His Multiple Sclerosis [Video] is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Tony Abbott: Australia Must Upgrade Its Security In ‘New Era Of Terrorism’


Tony Abbott

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott will announce on Monday that at least 400 people are on the country’s suspected terror list, all deemed to be “high-risk” individuals who are capable of carrying out terror attacks against civilians.

The prime minister’s upcoming security speech is expected to announce a number of new strategies to fight terrorism, following a review of the current security measures in place.

The review already noted that “Australia has entered a new, long-term era of heightened terrorism threat, with a much more significant home-grown element. It assesses that the terrorist threat in Australia is rising. On all metrics, the threat to Australia is worsening.”

Abbott will allegedly unveil plans to increase funding for national security agencies, as well as strip dual citizens of their citizenships should they present a terror threat.

When Mr. Abbott released the review into the Sydney siege today, he said, “There is an ongoing and inevitable debate in a country such as ours … between the rights of the individual and the protection of the community. My judgment is that – while having always to respect both – the question of precisely where we draw the line in the era of terrorism will have to be reconsidered and the line may have to be redrawn.”

For Abbott, as for many Australians, something clearly has to be done about the current threat of terror in the country, which is high.

As he said previously regarding radical Islamic terrorism, “Plainly, this monster should not have been in our community. The difficulty is that while he was well and truly on a lot of radar screens, he was routinely assessed as not being a threat to himself or to the community.”

It remains to be seen precisely what Tony Abbott will say in his speech tomorrow, as he tries to assure the people of Australia that the authorities are doing what they can, as best they can, to see off any future terror threat in Australia.

Tony Abbott: Australia Must Upgrade Its Security In ‘New Era Of Terrorism’ is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Nick Cannon, Nicole Murphy, And Mariah Carey: How Will This Love Triangle End?


Nick Cannon and Nicole Murphy

The first time Nick Cannon burst onto the scene as a teen in All That, before becoming a multi-talented actor, hip-hop artist, and effervescent TV host of shows like The Nick Cannon Show, Wild ‘N Out, and America’s Got Talent, Cannon proved he was a force to be reckoned with. So much so that established comedians like Dave Chappelle made Cannon a part of their based-on-reality skits, whereby Dave asked his agent via phone who this new “Nick Cannon” personality was that was stealing his thunder and Dave’s own son’s admiration.

Well, these days, the Renaissance Man is in the news because of his love life, with the latest reports covering Nick Cannon and Nicole Murphy’s romantic Valentine’s Day date, as reported by the New York Post.

The star of films like Drumline and Love Don’t Cost a Thing, Cannon has been followed closely with speculation on his dating life after Nick’s six-year marriage to Mariah Carey faltered. During Nick Cannon’s Valentine’s Day with Nicole Murphy, a Mariah Carey song came on during their dinner, as reported by Us Magazine‎. However, Nick and Nicole were allegedly so into one another that they didn’t notice.

While the internet scuttlebutt has claimed that Mariah Carey is pretty broken up over her marriage ending — and performances of Carey that have gone viral on YouTube have shown a suffering voice — the web has also pontificated if Cannon was dating Amber Rose or Nicole Scherzinger.

With Cannon and Murphy making more public appearances and not denying the romance — as Nick did when he denied dating Amber Rose, but claimed to only have a business relationship with Rose — the next reports that could possibly surface online, or via Season 4 of Murphy’s Hollywood Exes, if it returns, could display a May-December romance between the 34-year-old Cannon and 47-year-old Murphy.

While there’s no word on how Mariah feels about the new Murphy-Cannon romance, Carey and Cannon have been in the news due to being sued by their ex-nanny, as reported by the New York Daily News, and because of Mariah Carey’s fragrance wars with other stars, as reported by the Inquisitr‎. Perhaps the Nick Cannon/Nicole Murphy union can be used as fuel by Mariah Carey to create another “Breakdown” hit song, an anthem to a broken heart that was rumored to be related to Carey’s breakup with Derek Jeter.

[Image of Nicole and Eddie Murphy at 2000 Premiere of ‘The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps’ by Chris Weeks]

Nick Cannon, Nicole Murphy, And Mariah Carey: How Will This Love Triangle End? is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Volvo To Release Self-Driving Cars In Two Years



Volvo unveiled Thursday its plans to release self-driving cars in two years, joining Google, Tesla, and other tech industries in their ambitious quest to turn roads driver-free.

According to phys.org, the Swedish car maker has already proposed designs for the self-driving cars, which they claim is already ready for consumer consumption within two years time. In a promotional video, Volvo announced that it is aiming to release 100,000 self-driving cars in the streets of Sweden by 2017, potentially making the European country the first to have a significant number of driver-less cars on its national roads.

Peter Mertens, head of Volvo’s research and development team, promises that the current design for the self-driving car is already “production-viable” and is awaiting further development.

Despite multiple companies already miles ahead of Volvo in the race for consumer-ready self-driving cars, Volvo described their latest venture as “uncharted territory.”

Erik Coelingh, one of Volvo’s senior planners, explained how they intend to keep their autonomous cars safe on the road.

“Making this complex system 99 percent reliable is not good enough. You need to get much closer to 100 percent before you can let self-driving cars mix with other road users in real-life traffic.”

Coelingh also boasted of the reaction time of Volvo’s self-driving cars. According to Business Insider,, the car’s autopilot system is designed to react faster than humans, especially during times of emergency. This has been achieved, according to company designers, through an intricate network of radars, sensors, cameras, and a laser scanner.

The autopilot system of Volvo’s self-driving cars will not be as efficient under harsh weathers, but according to their latest announcement video, the car can give its drivers full control during such occasions. On times when the driver cannot handle the wheel, the car’s system will bring the vehicle to a safe stop, allowing the person inside to seek help if necessary.

Years before Volvo’s recent announcement, Google’s self-driving car has already been tested extensively on the road. In 2012, Google’s autonomous car had officially driven 500,000 kilometers, accident-free. Two traffic incidents involving the Google car had been recorded, although the tech giant claims that both accidents primarily involved human operators and not its car’s autopilot systems.

Tesla has also recently joined the race for autonomous cars. In 2014, the company announced that it expects Elon Musk, Paypal co-founder and current CEO of Tesla, to be the first to announce the consumer release of self-driving cars to the public.

[Image from Volvo/YouTube]

Volvo To Release Self-Driving Cars In Two Years is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Senior Palestinian Official Claims Israeli Tax Freeze Designed To Topple PA



According to a new report, a top Palestinian Authority official accused Israel on Sunday of trying to topple the PA by freezing millions of dollars in tax funds payable to the Palestinians.

Chief PA negotiator Saeb Erekat used the well-known Palestinian negotiation tactic of demanding world pressure on Israel to release the funds, which were frozen after the Palestinian bid to take Israel to the ICC for alleged war crimes.

As Erekat said to reporters, “Israel is aiming to collapse the Palestinian Authority with all its institutions, so the international community should do much more than stating what the results of such move might be. This money is not Israeli money nor donors’ money, this is an unprecedented act of piracy.”

Traditionally, despite being at war with the Palestinians who call for the annihilation of the Jewish State, Israel transfers around $127 million to the PA in customs duties levied on goods destined for Palestinian markets that transit through Israeli ports.

Those revenues collectively make up around two-thirds of the Authority’s annual budget, excluding the hundreds of millions of dollars of foreign aid it receives.

Nevertheless, on January 2, the Netanyahu government announced that Israel was suspending the transfer of the funds to the PA due to their direct breach of previously signed agreements with Israel.

Erekat accused Israel of all types of crimes related to the transfer of the outstanding funds, saying, “Israel has been doing its best to lead to the PA collapse for years, Netanyahu wants a PA without any authority and now he withholds the funds in order to make it collapse.”

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, speaking in London on Saturday, reiterated Washington’s concerns over the “continued viability” of the Palestinian Authority,

“If the Palestinian Authority ceases… security cooperation (with Israel) or even decides to disband as a result of their economic predicament, and that could happen in the near future if they don’t receive additional revenues,” he said.

For the time being, Israel has little incentive to hurry up on transferring funds to the PA, an alleged negotiating partner who has proved to be more of an enemy than a friend.

Senior Palestinian Official Claims Israeli Tax Freeze Designed To Topple PA is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Miracle Baby Surprises Parents In More Ways Than One


Miracle baby

When Angela Ihegboro first laid eyes on her miracle baby, she was speechless, but not because she was so unexpected.

You see, the Ihegboros — Angela and Ben — live in London, but are from Nigeria and are black, their baby Nmachi has blonde hair and blue eyes. Oops! To say the couple was shocked when they first saw their bundle of joy would be an understatement.

As you can well imagine, the couple probably had a lot of questions, as they insist they have never been unfaithful to each other. Most would suspect that maybe Angela had a relationship with someone else, but they have assured us that is not the case.

“She’s a miracle baby,” Angela said. “But still, what on Earth happened here?”

Believe it or not, there is a medical explanation for what happened with this miracle baby. According to the BBC, the most obvious possibility is that there is mixed race in either Angela or Ben’s family, but they both argue that is not the case.

“In the case of Nmachi, there are three possible explanations of why she looks so very different from her older brother and sister, who are both black: dormant white genes which entered both of her parents’ families long ago, a genetic mutation unique to her, or albinism.”

Albinism is actually quite relevant in certain parts of Africa and according to genetics experts, the color of the skin of any human is determined by about 12 different genes, which control the amount of pigment – or melanin – produced in the skin.

“We are all of us genetic mixtures to some extent and occasionally you’ll have a convergence of the pale versions of these genes in African Americans and African Carribbeans who have a mixed black and white ancestry.” Professor Bryan Sykes of the University of Oxford, England says.

So in the case of the Ihegboro miracle baby it is completely possible that both of them carry a light skin variant from white ancestors, but they were concealed by dark skin variants. The opposite can also happen in the case of white people.

However, this doesn’t seem to be the case with this miracle baby, since Angela and Ben have no white ancestry at all. What is more likely, Skyes says, is a genetic mutation within the little girl herself, which she will then pass on to her own children when the time comes.

Other experts argue baby Nmachi is the victim of something else entirely, albinism, which affects about 20,000 people in the world to different degrees. The condition is prevalent in Nigeria, where the Ihegboros hail.

“This is perhaps one of the most common recessive disorders in Nigeria, and we have to remember that it comes in different forms,” Professor Ian Jackson of Human Genetics Unit at the Medical Research Council says.

“In Type 2 we would see creamy skin and yellow hair or light brown, which in some cases would darken with age.”

No matter what the explanation for her unexpected looks, Angela and Ben couldn’t be more in love and grateful for their white miracle baby.

[Image via Shutterstock]

Miracle Baby Surprises Parents In More Ways Than One is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Kenneth Winfield: Homeless Man Dies On Steps Of Louisville Homeless Shelter In Sub-Zero Temperatures


Louisville's St. John Center for Homeless Men

Kenneth Winfield, like so many homeless people in Louisville and elsewhere, had battled mental illness and substance abuse for most of his adult life. Still, volunteers at the St. John Center for Homeless Men, where he was known to frequent, considered him a genial and friendly fellow. On Thursday night, as Louisville was plunged into sub-zero temperatures, Mr. Winfield died on the steps of that center, USA Today is reporting.

“Please help me find an apartment. I don’t want to die out there.”

At about 8:30 P.M. Thursday night, Louisville Fire Department personnel responded to a “man down” call. They found Mr. Winfield and took him to a hospital, where he died the next day. Autopsy results are pending.

It’s not clear, as of this post, why Mr. Winfield spent the night on the steps of the homeless shelter instead of inside St. John’s or another one – Louisville shelters were under Operation White Flag Thursday night, according to WHAS (Louisville), meaning that they couldn’t turn anyone away, no matter what. Further, there was space at Louisville’s other homeless shelters that night.

However, some homeless prefer to stay outside, regardless of the conditions, says Maria Price, executive director of The St. John Center. Kenneth had been living with his girlfriend in a tent near downtown.

He had been trying to overcome his homelessness, says Ms. Price. He applied for help through a federal program that provides a rent voucher, plus social services support and counseling. But there were only 70 such vouchers available, and Mr. Winfield wasn’t considered “high risk” enough to get one.

“It once again points to just this horrible choice we’re forced to make when we don’t have enough supply to meet demand.”

Louisville, like much of the rest of the country, is currently in the midst of a freezing blast of winter weather. It’s so bad, that Niagra Falls has frozen solid, and the nation’s power grid is taxed to its breaking point.

Mr. Winfield’s death illustrates the problem of how much toll winter takes on the homeless, says Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer.

“The homeless, as I’ve said, are particularly vulnerable in this weather. And we’ve been working to get as many off the streets as we possibly can.”

Louisville police and fire personnel will conduct nightly sweeps during the harshest winter weather to look for homeless people outside, and encourage them to get into shelters.

[Image courtesy of: USA Today]

Kenneth Winfield: Homeless Man Dies On Steps Of Louisville Homeless Shelter In Sub-Zero Temperatures is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Watch Oscars Red Carpet Live Online: See The Best And Worst Red Carpet Fashions At 2015 Academy Awards


Oscars Red Carpet Fashion

Watch the Oscars red carpet arrivals live online on Sunday night to see the best and worst fashions at the annual awards show. The 87th Annual Academy Awards doesn’t start until 8:30 p.m. ET, but hours before the show begins, both ABC and E! will be offering live streaming coverage from the red carpet where celebrities will be asked the biggest question of the night: “Who are you wearing?”

Here are your options for watching the Oscars live online, including both the red carpet pre-show and the awards show: Starting at 5:25 p.m. ET on Sunday, E! Online will be offering live stream coverage of the red carpet fashion and celebrity interviews. Download the free E! Online app for iPhone, iPad, and Android mobile devices to watch all of the Oscars pre-show glamour. Feeling social? Follow E! on Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram for a behind-the-scenes look at the Academy Awards.

ABC will start their online coverage of the Academy Awards right from the red carpet starting at 7 p.m. ET via the WATCH ABC app. The network will continue streaming live once the Oscars starts (8:30 p.m. ET) inside the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles.

Not only will viewers be able to see “fashion, fashion and more fashion” during ABC’s red carpet live stream, the app also offers real-time coverage of the Academy Awards and backstage interviews with Oscars winners right after they make their acceptances speeches. Download the free Oscars ballot so you can predict the winners with your friends on Sunday night.

Note: You must have a paid TV provider account (COX, Verizon FiOS, Comcast) and live in one of these cities to view the awards show live online However, the red carpet portion of the show is available to everyone, even those who don’t have cable television subscription.

If you miss one of your favorite celebrities on the red carpet, find plenty of photos online throughout the show on Oscars.go. Check the Academy’s Twitter feed and Facebook page for even more photos and videos of the best (and the worst) fashions of the night.

In addition to the glitz and glamour on the Oscars red carpet on Sunday night, there will be several performances that you won’t want to miss. According to USA Today, the best original song nominees will perform on stage including Adam Levine for Lost Stars (Begin Again); Rita Ora for Grateful (Beyond the Lights); and Tim McGraw for I’m Not Gonna Miss You (Glen Campbell…I’ll Be Me). Other performers include John Legend, The Lonely Island, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Hudson, and Anna Kendrick.

[Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images]

Watch Oscars Red Carpet Live Online: See The Best And Worst Red Carpet Fashions At 2015 Academy Awards is an article from: The Inquisitr News

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